9-For my love!!?!Kai VS Ein!

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      Kai ran up to me, "(Y/N)! It's great to see you! What you up to?" Kai asked me out of the blue.

      "Hi Kai, it's great to see you too! I'm just sitting here in joying how nice it is outside today." I replied smiling a little.

       "Heh, that's nice. I'm just wondering what are you thinking on doing as Alpha female next year?" Kai asked.

       "Oh actually Kai, I skipped grades so I'll be doing online college next year." I said.

       "Why online collage and not a public collage?" Kai asked me.

         "I am moving into a house right next door to my parent. My brother is doing public collage but the career I am taking classes on is a year shorter than his normal class years. I just also don't want to face the public again especially since it's a two year course and I will be miles away. I don't wanna say sure I'll see you next year and never see someone again after that. It's kinda weird honestly, but I have a boyfriend to help me through it." I said chuckling at the end.

"Wow, who's your boyfriend though? Never told me you had one." Kai asked sitting down next to me so he didn't have to stand anymore.

I smiled and blushed a little,"It's Ein, the Alpha male of last year." I said quietly though Kai herd.

Kai~Kun's P.O.V (Just cause Author~Chan can)

   'No! Gah!! Why him?! Why couldn't it be me? Why didn't I realize my feelings sooner? I could've gotten her.' "Kai stop saying that you could've gotten me. I can read you like a two page book. You may have in my first year but not my second." (Y/N)'s beautiful voice said as she walked off.

I ran the opposite direction, towards Ein's house. I knocked on the door and Ein answered,"Oh, hello Kai. What brings you here?" Ein asked, why is he so polite?

"First are you really (Y/N)'s boyfriend? Second if you are I want to fight, fight for her love." I said looking him in the eyes.

"I am and sure. We fight whoever wins wins her heart, but she must choose if she does or doesn't like you. That okay?" Ein asked crossing his arms with a stern face.



Time skip your P.O.V

Bad, bad, baD, bAD, BAD!! Ein was winning as Kai was about to give up. They both were covers in bruises and a bit of blood from claws cutting skin. "STOP! I can't see anyone else be hurt that's enough!" I yelled and the boys stopped.

"Who do you choose then?" Kai asked.

"The one I am moving in with, the one that loves me as much as I love him, my Werewolf alpha that's by my side, Ein my boyfriend." I said walking to Ein and kissing him in the cheek.

That's the end of that sorry it's short the next one will hopefully be longer. I am going to Kansas tomorrow again and staying with my Grandma and Grandpa.EDIT: Not Actually Unless My Parents Change Their Mind.Hopefully seeing my cousins I REALLY wanna see them! I need a break from all the boys in the house. Well bye guys I need to go bed since I am about to pass out. Night or morning depending on your time but bye guys!

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