8-The Family Dinner

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So Im on the computer again writing! If you didnt I am going to change Ein so hes nicer and make up the end of the year. ALSO Ima make it like Aaron had to say he had 4 more days of school left before a tiny summer break like two weeks. Idk how college works okay! X3 Anyway you are out of school now and you and Ein are going up to visit your parents. Also your older siblings! Mmkay onward!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ein was driving his new car and I was literally shaking. MY parents were meeting MY boyfriend and MY siblings are gonna be there! My dad was also VERY strict when he said 'If we does not impress us I will forbid you from seeing him and take everything away to contact him. Make sure this is worth our time.' when we called this morning. Ein has always been a bad boy but I have changed him into a nicer person. He and I have been training this whole morning since 5:00 AM to meet my parents. Aaron will kill him if he breaks my heart tonight or maybe kill dad if he doesn't like Ein. I love my brother really, also the rest of my family but hes been there more than anyone in my family. "(Y/N) calm down we are nearly there. No matter what I will never stop loving you." Ein said calming me down a lot.

TIME SKIPPER DE SKIP brought to you by me making a new X Reader after this one!

*KNOCK KNOCK* I knocked on my parents front door fidgeting with the end of my skirt. I had on a black shirt, a (F/C) jacket, and a white skirt. This is because Melissa loves seeing me dressed up all nice n' stuff (OR if you want to say another reason or add one if you want that one there insert here please.). Seconds Aaron opened the door and hugged me. "(Y/N)! Its been forever! I missed you so much!" Aaron said as I was lifted off the ground much more than expected.

I laughed,"There's my big brother! Hahaha! Aaron can you put me on the ground, I'm only a few inches taller than Aphmau! I'm a cute little wolf potato still!" I giggled as Aaron put me back on the ground.

Melissa came out and gave me a hug,"Come inside guys, mom and dad really want to see you both in person especially you Ein." Melissa said motioning us all to come in.

We went in and we all greeted each other, then we sat down for dinner. "So (Y/N), I came to my conclusion the second Ein walked through the door. I know this doesn't sound like me at all but, I think Ein would be a great boyfriend and I'm sure he is. What I am saying is that, I'll allow you two to be together." Mom said as everyone but Ein was surprised.

I mean EVERYONE who has ever gotten to know my mom or who grew up with her would be surprised. She has never said that to any of Melissa's boyfriends *Cough Cough* Melissa's only boyfriend *Cough Cough*. Anyway I smiled at mom,"Well mom thanks, he has been." I said to her.

Time skip to the end of the Dinner brought to you by my apartment pool opening tomorrow

Dad agreed to Ein!!!!!!!!! I am dieing!! Aaron is okay with him Melissa is okay with him as well!! Well right now Ein and I are heading to his house. This is going be a great summer...

Sorry for bad spacing and the fact that the chapter may be short but 3-4 chapters left of this book and maybe a sequel. Depending if I wanna do one and if you guys want one. Ima shit up now and sorry for late updates school got out and well I've been busy. Okay I'll shut up for tell this time. Boi.

Keep catching your goals and dreams stay blooming in ways you may not know my dear Pichu's and evolve into Pikachu's! Love ya my dear Pichu's!

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