3-His name is Zane hun

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      I was walking to school with Zane, honestly my favorite Ro'meave in the house. He's a real sweet boy when you get close to him. Plus he likes the way Werewolf's are! Many humans don't and this is amazing! Haha! Anyway yesterday last second Zane's schedule changed so we have every class together besides lunch and gym, yeah I don't do Werewolf class, not if I'm going to be bombarded with more questions. But Zane and I are heading to all our classes together! Yeah! Haha!

First class is the worst because Sasha and Zenix are here! Zane is happy but not me. In fact Sasha and Zenix are in every class with me except for lunch, yes I consider it a class because it's da best!! Food is amazing!!!!! Okay I need to calm down, I never knew I got so excited about food. Haha! Well the teacher is letting us have free time so we can mingle while he just texts on his phone, he always does this and we learn nothing. Luckily I know all this alongside Zane so we don't care.

"Hey (Y/N), can I ask you something?" Zane asked and I nodded.

"Do you ever wonder wh-" Zane was cut short cause Zenix pushed him a little as he lifted my chin.

"Hey Puppy~. Heh, why not you ditch this nerd and come with us, we know that Werewolf blood has some evil so why not?" Zenix said leaning toward my face a little.

"Awww~, Zenix! How sweet, and your so handsome why I'd be delighted. But hun, I'm an Alpha I can't just go around doing this without an alpha male and especially a human." I said smiling sweetly as Sasha smirked believing me as Zane just scoffed.

I didn't want to hurt Zane but I had to do this just cause it's fun,"Never knew you were quite a charmer. If you really want to come why not make me the alpha male, it's not bad. Kitty is human and she was alpha so why not. Though you are quite beautiful yourself dear (Y/N)~." Uhhg, Zenix doesn't act like his original self when he's flirting with me, that makes it worse.

"That's a wonderful idea Zenix! And thanks hun, but have I ever told you how much I absolutely and I mean absolutely love that voice of yours?" I asked as Zenix kept moving toward my face.

"No, but if we ditch school you can hear my voice all you want~. Heh heh, your just so pretty, I wonder why Gene never even made a move on you. No way could he resist you." I could sense Zane beginning to become mad because he fears I'll leave him and Laurance glaring at me, yeah he's in this class.

"Aww Zenix~. I would love that, maybe even play a little with some cops and go visit Gene. That'd be great but...I think I'd become that lowest alpha ever if I saw Gene again right after I got into position. Though Zenix has anyone ever told you I absolutely, hate you?" I say as I could feel his breath on my face.

While he was processing what I said I pecked his check and then kneed him where the sun doesn't shine. Then he frowned and fell to his knees and had hushed breaths. "Love hurts huh Zenix? Haha can't believe you took the bait, now your lovely and all but your bad news. I would date you if you weren't. Plus the 'nerd' over there is actually a very awsome person! He is like a brother to me. Also his name is Zane hun. Zenix, go get a better life." I said as I hugged Zane and he smiled under his mask.

Zenix got up with help from Sasha, "We won't give up Puppy." Zenix said pain and love in his eyes, Uhhg back off man I don't love you!

I tsked,"I have a name idiot , it's (Y/N)!" I snapped at him earning a smile from Laurance.

"Uhhg it's because of that nerd isn't it? You love him, not me." Zenix muttered though I could hear him.

I shook my head as the bell rang and Zane and I were walking to our next class I yelled to Zenix,"His name is Zane hun!"

    (I had to fix misspells but if you find any and that one about Zane getting mad because of his fear about loosing you isn't fixed pls tell me, thnx next chapter may be published soon or tomorrow/today cause it's already 12:16 here for me but yeah.  All depends if I don't fall asleeep and if I'm able to write it without falling  asleep. Well hope you enjoyed this boI!)

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