~ And So She Dreamed ~ Part Eighteen!

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“Mmmmmmmmmhhhh……” Annabelle lets out a moan of pain, curled up under her blanket.

“Dude, what’s wrong with her?” America asks, a curious look on his face as he points at the blanket-covered girl. England rolls his eyes, carrying a basket of laundry. “She’s having a hangover. What else?”

Annabelle weakly reaches out of the blanket and grabs onto the back of Englands shirt, tugging at it, “Close the curtains,” She groans, slightly whinning. England chuckles ans sets the tbasket on his bed and walks over, shutting the curtains and darkening the room.

America blinks, still staring. He then grins and takes a deep breath, letting out a loud, loud laugh, “HAHAHA!!! YOU’RE SUCH A WEAKLING!” Annabelle squeaks and jumps out of her blankets. She stands on her feet shakily, staring to America angrily. She clenches her fists to her side.

Bags lie under her eyes, her hair ruffled and tossed into different places. She wore a black tank top and leggings, her feet bare. England watches, an irritated look on his face. Annabelle lets out a growl and stomps over to America and grabs him by the collar, pulling him down. “Shut. Your. Mouth. You. Dumb. American.” She holds a deadly look in her eye. America holds up his hands with a sheepish grin.

England rushes over and gently pulls Annabelle away, “Ah, let’s not do that love.” He leads her back to her bed and she crawls under her blankets, burrowing under them. She pokes her head out and takes Englands hand, a pouty look on her face, “Cuddle with me?” She asks in a cute tone. ‘

England blushes softly, looking down to her. America snickers but holds a feeling of jealousy inside. He saw them kiss last night. He acted like he didn’t mind it but really he felt for Annabelle too. He grins and waves a bit, walking out, “See ya, dudes!”

He shuts the door behind him.

England smiles shyly and chuckles a bit nervously, “Hold on, love. How about we watch a movie?” He asks, smiling and pulling her to her feet. “Okay…” She says, rubbing her knuckles into her eyes. He smiles and kisses her head, “I’ll get you some medicine.” He walks to the bathroom and rummages through the cabinets.

When he walks out, Annabelle was curled up on the floor, groaning. England smiles and walks over, chuckling, “I told you, you shouldn’t have gotten that many drinks, no matter what America says.” Annabelle crawls over and wraps her arms around his legs and whines, “You should have said it louder,” She mutters.

England raises an eyebrow, “I don’t think that would have helped. Anyway, take these pills.” He says, handing her two pills and a glass of water as she sits up. He walks over to the TV and turns it on. He puts in a movie and sits next to her, smiling as she lies her head on his shoulder. He blushes softly and looks down, “So, uhm, Annabelle?” “Hm?”

“A-about last night, you remember, right?” He asks, poking the tip of his index fingers together. Annabelle blushes and smiles. She sits up and kisses him on the cheek, “Of course I do.”

A deep blush plasters on his cheeks and he smiles shyly. Annabelle giggles and snuggles up to him. She closes her eyes, wishing the deep, deep pain in her head and body would go away. England smiles and kisses her head, “Then I have a question.”

Annabelle opens her eyes and looks up to him, a curious look in her eye. “Valentines day isn’t too far away… The dance is afterward… Will you go with me?” He asks, blush creeping onto his face more. Annabelle blushes a deep red and smiles, “Yes, I would love to.”

England smiles softly and leans down, Annabelle leaning up. Their lips meet and they both close their eyes, staying like that for a few seconds.

They pull away instantly as there is a loud knocking at the door. Annabelle holds her head and grits her teeth. England gets up and walks over to the door and opens it. “What?!”

America stands there, looking frantic, “Dudes! Turn on the news! Now!” England furrows his eyebrows and walks over, turning the channel to the news.


“A middle aged man is arrested for killing many people he claimed to look like her escaped daughter,” The news lady explains as pictures of mug shots of the man. It was Annabelle’s foster father.

“The woman with him was able to escape, seeing to be his wife. When he was forced to explain, he said that his daughter ran out for no reason. The police asked for pictures but he claimed to have none.” Annabelle stares with wide eyes, gawking at the screen. She started tuning the news out, standing shakily, “Th-that means she’s escaped.” The two others look to her quickly.

“Your mother?” England asks, taking her hand gently and stroking her soft skin with his thumb. Annabelle nods and sighs, looking down, “She’s more insane,” She mutters then cracks a smile. She slowly chuckles, slowly turning into a laugh. The two stare at her as she laughs.

She holds her stomach as she laughs, her eyes closed and tears swelling into them. America snorts, covering his mouth, trying not to laugh. England furrows his eyebrows, “What’s so funny, love?”

Annabelle slowly stops laughing, wiping the tears away. She giggles a bit, a cute look on her face, “It’s just so funny!” England blinks and tilts his head, “How so?”

She shrugs and giggles again. England sighs then chuckles, smiling softly. A head pokes into their room. Annabelle looks over quickly then jumps under her covers. She curls up in a ball. She didn’t recondize the person.

“What is with all of the laughing, aru?” The Chinese boy asks, tilting his head. A panda crawls onto his shoulder from his basket and rests there for a little while. He looks to the covers and breaks into a smile, “Ah, don’t worry, aru! I will keep the secret,” He whispers the last part.

Annabelle peaks out and sighs, “Someone didn’t.” She mutters then her eye twitches. ‘France….’

She gets out of under her covers and smiles, “I don’t really believe we’ve met before,” She holds out her hand to him. “I’m Annabelle,” She whispers, just in case.

China nods, smiling and taking her hand, “It is very nice to meet you!” Annabelle smile turns kind of uncomfortable, “How many people know now?” China thinks for a second, “As far as I know, and I’m pretty sure I am correct, it is, Italy, Germany, Spain, France, and Russia… The rest have no clue!” Annabelle lets out a sigh and smiles.

“Good. Thanks.”


Sorry for such a lame, small chapter! I’ve been trying to think of what happens and I just kept having brain farts! Hah. Brain farts…

XD Anywho, I hope you liked it!


~ And So She Dreamed ~ (HETALIA FANFICTION)Where stories live. Discover now