~ And So She Dreamed ~ Part Twenty!

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Holy biscuits 2o CHAPTERS!!! :D Yaaay! May not seem like a lot but it’s a lot to me!


“An amusement park?” Canada asks quietly, peaking into the room from the kitchen. America grins happily.

“Yeah! Wouldn’t that be fun?!” He exclaims happily. Annabelle smiles brightly, “I’ve never been to one before!” She says excitedly and turns to England who seemed to be kind of not going with the idea. She takes his hands, smiling brightly up to him.

“Can we go? Please, please, please?!” She pleads.

England sighs then smiles slightly, “Sure.”

“Yay!” She shouts happily and jumps up, giggling and clapping. America grins, “I know exactly which one to go to.”


“Six Flags?” England asks slowly as they stand in front of the parks entrance. “Yeah dude! It’s the best park I know!” Annabelle stretches, just waking up from their long trip there. All of her energy was wasted on boucing around with excitement in the car.

Now she wears a pair of capris with a cute white tank top with black flip flops. Canada smiles, looking at the entrance of the park as well, “Looks pretty fun, eh?” He looks around to all the roller coasters and such that could be seen past the big sign.

“Well let’s go!” America breaks into a run, making Annabelle giggle and chase after him. England smiles slightly and Canada and him walk behind the excited kids.

“Let’s go on that one!” Annabelle points up to one that is named ‘Batman’ or something. America pouts a bit and tugs on her hand, “No I want to go on the Superman!” “This ones closer!” She argues, looking up to him with a pouty face. They were like brother and sister.

England walks up with a sigh, “Let’s go on the one closer.” He says, his arms crossed over his chest. “No fair!” America shouts as Annabelle cheers. “Beat ya there!” Annabelle shouts and runs, giggling. America gasps, “Hey!” He calls and runs after her.

“He only agreed with you because he’s your boyfriend!” England could hear America shout, making him blush as he follows. “Did not!” He could still hear their distant voices over all of the noise. He rolls his eyes and Canada chuckles quietly to himself, trailing behind England.

They get in line of the ride, not being that long. They get on the ride about five minutes after waiting. Annabelle bounces excitedly in her seat as she is strapped in, making her giggle. England sits next to her, looking nervous as he’s strapped in. America is next to him and he wears a stupid grin. Canada sits calmly next to him, a kind of nervous smile on his face.

“Have fun!” The announcer of the ride says in a cheery voice as it begins to take off. The ride escalates up, riding up to their drop. England gulps as they get to the top and it stops before taking off at a large speed. Annabelle screams with delight as they go fast around the roller coaster. England yells in absolute fear and America cheers happily. Canada holds a scared look but still looks rather happy.

To England, it seemed like forever until the ride stopped. But it did.

He shakily gets out after being let off. He holds his stomach and groans, walking to the exit with a cheering, giggling Annabelle and a loud, happy America. Canada looked the same that he did, looking pale and sick to his stomach.

Annabelle looks to them and giggles, “Come on guys!” She grabs onto Englands hand and starts to run. America chases after them with a grin and Canada has no choice but to run after them.

~ And So She Dreamed ~ (HETALIA FANFICTION)Where stories live. Discover now