~ And So She Dreamed ~ Part Twenty Two!

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Annabelle feels the warmth leave her side, making her curl up more.

England smiles down to her and chuckles quietly. He kisses her head and goes into the bathroom. He strips and gets into the shower.

He washes and dries and whatnot. He walks out of the bathroom, pulling on a casual shirt, wearing a pair of brown slacks. He looks to the time, not doing so before. He had woke up pretty late. It was almost noon now.

The dance tonight was at five.

He looks to see his bed, seeing Annabelle was gone, a note in her place. He picks it up and reads it over with a smile.

                Going for help!

                I’ll see you tonight, love!

                Love you <3

                                ~ Annabelle

He smiles more ad chuckles, shaking his head. “I’ll kill that frog if he tries anything.”


“Mon amour, of course! I told you I would help you!” The Frenchman says with a happy smile. Annabelle smiles up to him, giggling slightly.

“Thank you.” She holds out a folded dress, a pair of flats on top. “Also, thank you for letting me borrow these.”

France smiles and gently pushes it closer to her. “Keep it. Maybe sometime you could wear it again.”

Annabelle’s lips fall into a frown. “I don’t think I could accept something like this! I couldn’t..!”

France lets out a careless laugh. “You make me laugh, amour! I want you to keep it! I wouldn’t use it for anything unless truly needed.” Annabelle chews on her bottom lip, shifting on her feet slightly.

“Fine… Thank you,” She replies with a smile. Many people may not like France, but she didn’t really mind him. He was pretty great to her, always helping. A pervert, but helping.

He smiles back to her and nods. “Let us get you ready!” He says excitedly, pulling her inside.

The other two looked pretty lazy, still dressed in pajamas, both lacking a shirt. Spain was laying back, a book in hand, although he wasn’t looking at it, but watching soccer on the television. Prussia was sprawled onto his bed, his mouth open and small snores sounding from him.

Annabelle lets out a small giggle, looking to the two.

Prussia snorts awake, sitting up, almost falling off of the top bunk. Spain pushes the idiot back up, beaming at Annabelle. “Hola, chicka!” He says happily.

Annabelle smiles and nods to him. “Good afternoon.”

France chuckles and ruffles her hair a bit, “Before we start, you must shower, hm?” He asks, smirking to her, holding her shoulders.

She looks up to him innocently, then realizes. She knits her eyebrows together her bangs hide her eyes as she elbows him in the stomach. “Don’t be a pervert! I’ll go take a shower back in my room.” She says then walks out, leaving a laughing France.

“Just a joke, amour!”

She smiles as she walks down the hall, heading to her and Englands room. She opens the door, seeing England not there.

She quickly showers and pulls on some casual clothing. She makes her way back to France’s room to get ready.


~ And So She Dreamed ~ (HETALIA FANFICTION)Where stories live. Discover now