tell him

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I grabbed the keys to my bugatti and drove straight to Kennedy's house I knocked on the door and waited for a while I was getting impatient so I started banging on the door finally August opened up shirtless.

August: Hey uh Kash can you come back another time we're busy

Me: No I need to talk to Kennedy its so important and I feel like I'm gonna cry at any moment

He pulled me in the house and I ran upstairs and bursted through Kennedy's door she was half naked but I didn't care I ran to her and hugged her tight then sobbed on her shoulder.

Kennedy: What's wrong boo? Was it Twist? Cuz I swear I will-

Me: No its not him its about me and Chris

Kennedy: Please tell me he didn't hurt you cuz me and Angel will-

Me: I'm pregnant

Kennedy:*surprised* What?

Me: I'm pregnant by Chris

Kennedy: Girl that's great congrats

Me: No its not I just turned 18 not to long ago and I just got everything straightened out I'm not ready to be a mom I don't know how to raise a baby by myself what if something goes wrong? What if Chris leaves me?

She hugged me tight and kissed my cheek

Kennedy: Girl none of that is gonna happen Chris isn't gonna leave you he barely lets anyone hang around you when he aint there and he told me that he wanted to start a family with you. And I know your gonna be a great mom because I seen the way you handle Peyton when you stay the night girl you got this.

Just then Angel came in and asked what was going on we told her what happened and she hugged me tight and kissed my cheek


Me: Im only a couple days pregnant you got alot of time to do that

Angel: It doesn't hurt to think about it

Me&Kennedy:*2 Chainz voice* Truuuuu

We all laughed and I realized something

Me: Wait a second

Angel: What?

Me: How am I gonna tell Ty?

They were silent but Kennedy spoke up

Kennedy: We'll come with you when you tell him but you should tell him as soon as possible

Me: Ok I'll tell him tomorrow right now I gotta go tell Justin

Angel: Im comin too

Kennedy: Me too

August: No you not we got unfinished business

Me: Angel get the video camera

Angel: Girl I got my phone right here

August: GET OUT NOW!!!!!!!

Me&Angel: NO!!!!

Kennedy: If I buy you guys some food and take you shoppin this weekend will you please get out?

Me&Angel:*looks at each other* BYE!!!!!

We ran out and slid in the car then we drove to Justin's house we jumped out and walked towards the door I pulled out a key and unlocked the door (He gave me one as one of my birthday presents)


Then he came walkin in from the backyard dripping wet I assume he was in the hot tub he walked up and hugged me and Angel.

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