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I was scared at what I saw I looled to see my mother being choled out by a random stranger, the fear in her eyes was so intense I was frozen, frightened and paralyzed not knowing what to do.

Mom:Run Kash run away go find help!!!

Stanger:You wont be going anywhere.

He walked closer to me he was near my face he had a gun pointed at my head I dared not to move, I then saw the pain in my mother's eyes I then got furious he has no right to touch my mother. I was so filled with rage that I blacked out for minute when I woke up I was laying next to my mother I had blood flowing from my head, I looked next to me and my mother was next to me unconscious. The attacker was gone I got to my feet almost collapsing I then hopped to the phone and called 911, and I must say they came in about 10 minutes The peramedics took my mom into the ambulance i was going to go in there with her but the police held me back and told me that I needed to answer some questions, they asked me what had happened and I told them that me and my mom were attacked and I blacked out. Then at that moment I remembered that we had security cameras I motioned the cops to follow me we went into the basement I looked through the computer and found the footage we watched it and I was shocked at what I saw. I was never the fighting type but this video said otherwise

Me: I never knew I could do any of this.

Police officer: Well I think you should be a fighting teacher by the way you took him down you'd be making alot of money.

He was trying to cheer me up but I was too focused on the man and what I did to him, I was kinda proud of myself but so angered that someone would do something so evil. I was hitting him with a rolling pin and he fell to the floor before I could hit him with the last blow he hit me with a gun across my face and I was knocked unconcious on the floor. He got up and pointed a gun at me then my mother crawled towards me and covered me telling him not to do it.

Criminal: Someone is gonna die today and it aint gonna be me.

Mom: You will not do this to my daughter!!!!

Criminal: Well then I can do it to you.

Then with that he shot my mother right in the chest and she fell right next to me and with that the man ran away taking a couple of things with him when it was finished I felt tears streaming down my face.

~skips 3 days~

I stayed in the hospital with my mom because they said I had to get stitches from my injuries and because she IS my mom the doctor told me that my mom had been shot in her lungs and some how the bullet bounced and it her heart its a miracle that she survived she is a fighter just like me.

~skips a couple months~

After all of this happened I started to talk to Tyga a little more he was really concerned mostly about us but also about how I was taking all of this in and adapting to this situation, just like Ty, he really cares about his family and he even said I was like the daughter he never thought he wanted. The doctor had to tell me something about my mom i'm guessing that he is gonna tell me that she can leave.

Doctor: Kash I have some news for you.

Me: Sure what is it?

Doctor: Well we were just checking in on your mother this morning and she wasnt breathing we tried every thing to bring her back but it was no use, im sorry but she died early this morning.

I couldn't bear to hear this tears were streaming down my face, I had a huge lump in throat and I couldn't speak.

Me: Thank you for the information.

I managed to choke out I called Ty and told him what happened he told me that he was going to get me a ticket to Cali and that I could stay with him, I was a little relived but I was still sad because I would leave everything that I know and love my best friends Angel and Trish would miss me so much I couldn't think about this now so I just told him thanks and he told me that I can have 2 days to say goodbye to everyone and it was left at that. Im leaving for Cali on Thursday afternoon. I went to Angel's house because we have been so close since the third grade and she would be the one to be really crying. I knocked on the door and a tear escaped from my eye. She answered the door with a grin but it faded when she saw my face.

Angel: What's wrong boo?

Me: Angel I have to tell you something really important.

She dragged me into the house and we sat on her bed.

Angel: What is so terrible that it's making you cry?

I sat there trying to cough up the words but I just couldn't sit there having her in suspense.

Me: My mother died early this morning, I decided that the funeral will be on Wednesday since the plans have already been set.

She looked at me with a sad and concerned face then she hugged me tight I hugged her back sobbing on her shoulder.

Angel: I'm so sorry to hear I know your mom has been fighting for a long time now and it hurts me to see you like this I will do anything in my power to make you happy again.

I was happy to see that she cared so much about me like I was her own flesh and blood, but I unfortunately had to tell her the rest of the news.

Me: There is something else...

Angel: What is it?

She was still holding on to me with a concerned face.

Me: I'm leaving

She had her eyes wide open with a weird confused face

Angel: What do you mean you're leaving?

Me: Well because my mother died I have no one to take care of me here so I have to move in with Ty.

She was looking like she had just witnessed a murder or something.

Angel: But he's all the way across the country and what do you mean no one is here to take care of you, I can help you with this why didn't you just tell him that you were gonna stay with me?

Angel and me have grown so attached to the point where we can't live without each other we were like to halfs of one person it was just horrible for me to be saying it outta my own mouth.

Me: Angel we have been best friends for so long and we have grown a strong relationship but I can't stay here if I could I would but there are just so many memories here that make me so depressed and it wasn't my decision to make it is totally out of my control.

She didnt even look at me

Angel: When are you leaving?

Me: Thursday

She walked up to me and hugged me really tight I hugged her back and we cried ourselves to sleep in each others arms. The next day I said good bye to everyone else and packed my things and got ready for the funeral I had on my black tight dress with my hair in curls and had a black veil on with my blacl pumps. My hazel eyes were red and puffy from crying but I went to the funeral anyway  today was the day I see everyone one last time before I leave the life I knew it. It was time to say goodbye.

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