Time to tell

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When I woke up I was so nervous I didn't know how I was going to do this. I was sweating and shaking, everyone met at the house and we we're just sitting there wonderimg what's gonna happen next. I paced back and forth in the middle of the floor.

Angel: Aye baby girl chill

Justin:Yeah too much stress can be bad for the baby

Me: How can I not be stressed? I have to tell Tyga that I'm pregnant by one of his best friends, not to mention that he said I can't move out or do anything like that till I'm 21, which I've already done. What's he gonna think when I tell him? What's he gonna do to Chris? What am I gonna do if he doesn't agree with this?

Kennedy: Aye lil ma just chill out I know you're scared and don't know what to do, but just calm down for a minute and breathe, when you tell him and something goes wrong then we'll be there to help you out. We're gonna get through this I promise.

I calmed down a little and took a deep breath. I layed down on all of them my head in Angel's lap and my feet on Kennedy's. Finally Chris came downstairs and grabbed his phone he walked over to me and kissed me.

Chris: You ready for this?

Me: Its better to do it now then wait until the baby's born

Finally we got out the house and we were on our way to Ty's mansion. The whole way there I just sat there staring out the window thinking about everything. Is he gonna be ok with this? What if he disowns me? What if he makes me get an abortion? I couldn't stop the negative thoughts from clouding my mind they just wouldn't go away finally we pulled up to the mansion I took another deep breath and got out of the car, we walked up to the door I hesitated to knock on the door. Finally after 5 minutes Justin finally knocked on the door, and Ty answered it. He saw me and motioned for us to come in. Something isn't right he seems different, kinda like he's sad or something. We sat in the living room Chyna soon came in and joined us.

Tyga: So what's up, why are all of you guys here?

Me: There's something important that I have to tell you

Tyga: What is it?

Me: I know that you're very protective of me and I know that you just want what's best for me, but I'm grown now I'm 18 and you have to accept that-

Tyga:*cuts off*What are you trying to say?

Me: Ty, I'm pregnant

He froze, Chyna had a huge smile on her face and hugged me telling me how great this was and that I'm gonna be a great mom. I looked at Ty who moved Chy out of the way and was now in my face. The next minute I was on the floor holding my face. He slapped me.

Tyga: You're gettin rid of that baby, I aint gonna have you turn out like yo slut of a mother.

That's when Angel came and started to punch and kick him then he grabbed Angel and pinned her to the floor, Justin pushed him off of her and held her while she was trying to hit him again. Chyna ran to me and sat me down. Finally Tyga walked up to Chris and swung. Chris just stood there then he punched Ty and grabbed me.

Chris: Until I say so you are to never come near her or our baby.

And with that we left out of the mansion and drove home. We got in the house and just sat in the kitchen. When everyone got up from the table it was about 3am. Everyone stayed the night and since there was no more than 2 guest rooms Angel slept with Justin and Kennedy slept by herself. I finally layed down and drifted off to sleep with a tear slipping down my cheek.

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