Chapter 12

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~Hey everyone! Well I feel guilty for making a promise I couldn't keep. So from now on I'll only make that promise when I've got the chapters ready. I'm really sorry. Schools got me up and at homework so yeah...sorry and hope you enjoy!~

~Hiccups POV~
I got back to the house and stood there with my hands on my knees. Once I caught my breath I stood up and opened the door, "Toothless?" I walk in and close the door behind me. Not seeing him in the living room or kitchen I went upstairs and to our room.
Knock, knock."Toothless?" I opened the door slowly and saw him sitting on his rock bed. I sighed and walked in closing the door behind me. "You okay bud?" I asked worriedly mad sat down next to him.
He shook his head. "Why are you so upset bud?"
"I...I don't know. Just... Seeing them get scared really upset me. The fact that all of you were the ones that scared them angered me. Like I was being overprotective of this nightfury. I don't know why." He said sighing.
"Maybe this night fury is a female and she's your mate?" I tease causing him to turned bright red and punch me in the arm,"OW! It was just a suggestion!"
"No! That was you teasing me!"
"It worked though." I said smiling causing him to growl in annoyance. I then saw him smirk evilly causing me to grow confused.
~Toothless's POV~
Coming up with an idea I smirked and said, "What about you and Merida? You two seem pretty comfortable with each other? Who know? Maybe you too have gotten together without anyone finding out about it?"
He blushed red causing my smirk to grow, "It's nothing like that! I just met her today!"
"Ah but you like her! That blush says it all!" I said and jumped up, "I'll go tell her!"
"No you won't! And no I don't!" He said and I suddenly felt to the floor with him on me.
"Ah! You need to lose some weight Hiccup! You way more than a gronckle."I said taking in a weak exaggerated breath.
"How about we don't talk about this at all and you get off of me?"
"Agreed." He said and got off of me and I took in deep exaggerated breaths.
"I'm not that heavy..."
"Yeah and I'm not a human dragon hybrid." I said sarcastically while playfully rolling my eyes. Which earned me a light kick on the side.
I laughed and got up off the floor,"I feel better now thanks Hiccup."
He smile and nods his head,"Now how about we go outside or you can stay here and make your girlfriend something to eat," he teased.
"Hey! We had an agreement!" I yelled and felt my fave growing a bit red.
"Ha! Okay come on I'll help you cook up some fish for her." He said and we went downstairs to the kitchen.

I'm guessing you all saw those comments on the last chapter. Yeah don't judge. Weirdness is life! Literally! Life if weird. So don't judge. Ha!....yeah sorry I'm sorry. I'm just weird. Also. How do I get 29 reads on my tagged and 5 on the last chapter? That confuses me. So if you know please tell me. Well I hope you all have a good day/night!~~~~

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