Chapter 16

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-This is the things I say when you show me a skinny Oreo. Lol-

~Third person POV~
They couldn't believe it. No one could. After only a mere ten minutes of fighting.....Merida had won.
"Th-That's not possible!" Astrid yelled from her place under Merida's foot. Everyone stared in shock at how easily Merida had taken Astrid down. "Well Astrid, I guess I won. Meet me at the house I'm staying at tomorrow morning and we'll pick out a nice dress for you." Merida said smirking.
Astrid growled and shoved Merida's foot off of her, causing Merida to stumble backwards, and stands up. She grabs her ax and angrily storms out of the arena. They all stood there staring for a moment until the two sets of twins interrupted into cheers and so did everyone else. Some (*CLEARS THROAT LOUDLY AND COUGHS* (Y/N) *COUGH COUGH COUGH*) quieter than others. (If you are an MLP fan imagine Fluttershy practicing her cheering for Rainbow Dash. MLP IS LIFE! I'm 14 but obsessed. Don't judge meh) Well all except Eren who went to she if Astrid was alright, though he was amused.
"Well I guess I did underestimate you Merida, sorry.' Hiccup said sheepishly rubbing the back of his neck as Merida walked over to him.
She chuckled and slapped his back causing him to stumble forward, "That's alright Hiccup. Just don't do it again." They laugh and everyone, that was left, headed their own ways since the sun was setting and the moon was coming out.
(Y/N) left with Hiccup and Toothless back to their house. She was still timid and had her guard up so they wanted her to stay with them for a while.
~(Y/N)'s POV~
"H-Hiccup..." I said timidly, "H-How l-lo-long will I be st-staying?"
"You'll be staying until we are able to get you back on your feet. Though, we were hoping that you'd want to stay forever. Toothless has taken a liking to you. Plus you're the only other night fury anyone has seen in a long time." Hiccup said and I saw Toothless's face reden a bit. I wonder why.
"N-Night f-furys are hard t-to c-c-come across by n-n-nowadays. Es-Especially after th-the G-r-Great War."
"The Great War?" Toothless and Hiccup said simultaneously.
I giggle and nod, "Y-Yes, the war b-be-between th-the N-Night furies and humans. I-It was with a v-v-viking tr-tribe called the H-Hailers o-or the Sc-Scaler Tribe."
"You mean the Scale Wind Tribe?"
"Y-Yeah, that's it!"
"That tribe hasn't existed for a little over two decades."
"Y-Yes the war w-was m-many years ago. No one sp-spea-ks of it since it was s-such a tr-tragic time. Th-That's why many do not know of it."
"Could you tell us? Please?" Hiccup asked in a slightly begging manner.
I shook my head, "I-I'm sorry no. I d-don't kn-know the sto-story too w-well, but I c-ca-an br-ing you to so-someo-one who was th-there wh-when the wa-war began and en-ded."
"That would be great! Where do they live?" Toothless asked curiously.
"D-Dragons c-call it D-Death T-Tr-Trap Island," I spoke in a quieter voice than usual.
"Well doesn't that sound pleasant," Toothless said sarcastically.
"I-It's a very beau-beautiful island. Y-You just have to w-watch out for the d-d-death tr-traps that w-were s-set d-during the time of w-war," I said once I heard his voice heavy sarcasm. "Th-The Vikings ha-had set th-them up and s-so did the n-nightfuries. All o-of th-the nightfuries has li-lived there until the w-war," I think back to my family, "I wish I could tell you more but I was born shortly after and my mother, father, and sister had died protecting me"
"You...You didn't stutter..." Toothless had said and I looked at him confused.
"W-Wha-What?" I asked confused, "I-I stutter o-out of f-f-fear and n-ner-nervousn-nes."
"Alright. Okay let's all get to sleep. You've had a long day (Y/N)  and I feel like  tomorrow is going to be even more hectic." Toothless said wrapping an arm around my shoulder.

Ummmm......hi? I'm really's been a few years huh? Or year....I don't know. But I'm back! Last time I wrote this I was 14 and I'm now 16! So you can tell (as mentioned in a previous chapter) I'm a butt head. (Butt snack. Lol. Get the reference?)
I'm starting to update again! I'll post another chapter soon! I hope this one was acceptable. Oh and I grew! I'm now 5'3 and a half.!
Toothless: You're still short.
.....Baka..... I'm only half and inch from average female American height.....
If you have any suggestions or anything please let me know. And I  will now be keeping the 'accents' as just plain English. One. I read through it after seeing a comment by Cerberus001 they are correct. That is not an accent 😂😅 I laughed so hard reading my story because I couldn't understand some of the things they said. Oof lol. Well my beautiful~ Animal pups! Again I deeply apologize and I might go fix the text in the other chapters. If you would definitely like me to please let me know. Alright I hope you all have a wonderful day/night!

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 26, 2019 ⏰

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What Just Happened?! A Mericcup and Toothless x reader love storyWhere stories live. Discover now