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The next day I woke up 2 hours later than planned I got ready as quickly as possible I almost forgot my head band then looked at the clock 8:23 huh I cant be that late I guess.

When I got to the bridge I saw that Naruto and Sakura were half asleep,Sasuke with his no emotion look.

"Hey" I greeted they all ignored me.

"Where's Kakashi sensei still not here I see."

Then Kakashi sensei appeared and. Said sorry while pointing down to a cat "sorry I got lost"

"Lier! You made us wait here forever and you come up with lame excuses!"Naruto and Sakura yelled.

"Dang you two got some serious pipes I hope y'all are awake now" I said covering my ears


We went to a training ground. Kakashi sensei held up three bells. We all just had a bore expression on our faces.

"Ok all you have to do is get these bells from me" he explained"and you pass"he gave a smile.

"When I say go start." Then Naruto ran with a kunai in his hand Kakashi sensei deflected his attack and said:"I didn't say yo go yet. Ok go"

We all went to hide except Naruto who wanted to take Kakashi head on. "I'll get that bell from you"

"Well your a weird one aren't you?" Kakashi sensei said as Naruto came to attack.

"The only thing that's weird is that hair style of yours." Naruto yelled.He tried punching Kakashi sensei but he grabbed his arm and twisted it to his back.

"Your gonna have to try alot harder"he said with a smile.

I saw Sakura and Sasuke and ran over to them. "Hey maybe if we work together we could get the bells ya'know so wanna team up?." I asked

Sasuke ignored me and ran to Kakashi sensei while Sakura looked at me and said "Your just trying to steal Sasuke-kun"

"No im not get your head outta the clouds and we could try to work together ya'know!" I yelled back at her.

"Never not with you." I sighed. Fan girl i'll just go ask Naruto. When running to go find Naruto I saw Sauske weave had signs and yell  "fire style:fire ball jutsu!" It shot twords kakashi sensei but he deflected it and put Sauske in the ground with only his head sticking out.

When I found Naruto he was hiding I came over "Say Naruto if we work together we could get the bells" "Nahhh there's only  three and only three of us will pass so i'm trying to get one for myself" He said jumping twords Kakashi sensei but he dodged and Kakashi vanished then he was behind Naruto and his hands in a sign then yelled "A thousand years of pain" and stuck his fingers strait in Naruto's butt. I sweat dropped and had a are-you-seriously-kidding-me-look. Naruto went flying and yelled.

I ran twords Kakashi and tried to punch him but he grabbed my wrist then I tried to kick witch he grabbed my ankle."First taijutsu hand to hand combat" then he threw me to the ground and I saw a bell and tried to grab but he quickly took it."your quick but not quick enough" he then vanished.   

I heard a scream and went to check it out and saw Sakura passed out on the ground and Sasuke still in the ground."Need some help?" "No go away"he said in a cold tone at me."suit yourself" I ran off and found Naruto tied to a stump,then a few seconds later Sasuke and Sakura showed up.That was quick.

"You all fail except for Mikasa."he said in a mean way.

"What why!? Naruto and Sakura yelled. A grin plastered across my face and threw a peace sign at them and stuck my tongue at them.

"Because you are all on a team and are suppose to work together Mikasa tried to work with Sasuke and Sakura but Sasuke thought he was more stronger and went  head on. Sakura you were to busy focused on Sasuke,and Naruto you just charged in and plus tried to sneak lunch and forget the whole point of the exercise in that conclusion you three with get lunch and if you dare give naruto any you will automatically fail. He said with dark eyes then he left.    

We were all eating when Naruto kept yelling "I can go a long time without food so jokes on you!" Then his stomach rumbled he sighed and put his head down. Sasuke raised his lunch to him and Sakura said to him "Sauske didn't you hear master Kakashi we will fail." "yeah he also said we need to work together so Naruto will need energy".

Then I sighed. "Here im not that hungry anyway. Then Sakura did the same.

Kakashi came out in front of us we all trembled in fear as it looked as if the sky was darkening.

"YOU ALL...pass."he gave a smile and we a let out a sigh of relief.

"But why? Sakura questioned.

"You all put aside you hunger just to make sure Naruto would have the energy to help get the bells so you all pass you are now officially team 7"he smiled and turned to walk away.

Everyone started to walk away I rolled my eyes and cut Naruto down.

"Thanks Mikasa."he said to me with a grin.

"Yeah yeah come on you wanna go get some ramen?" I asked

"Ramen definitely lets go i'll race you"

I smirked "ready set go!" we ran pass our comrades who just stared at us as we made our way to ichiraku.

Okay this took em a while im tired out I will start writing chapter 4 in a little bit this is a long chapter so enjoy(tell me if I spelled words wrong thanks)~hunter_naruto


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