Ch.10 So whats the deal princess?

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Bellamy had stayed to help Clarke clean up after breakfast after everyone took off. They worked I comfortable silence for a while before Bellamy asked. "So this Lexa. Am I ever going to meet her?" Clarke shrugged. "If you behave yourself you just might."  She smirked. "Behave myself?!?" "Yes bell. Don't freak out on her." Why because she's your girlfriend Clarke I don't care-" "No Bellamy. I mean don't interrogate her. Okay. I can tell that's the kind of person you are because that's the kind of person I am. Plus I already did a background check-" "Nothing came up." He finished for her. "Bellamy!" He crossed his arms over his chest and squinted gown at her eyebrows pulling together in concern. "Of corse I checked. Clarke that's sketchy. There is always something school records, birthday, for god's sake, citizenship!!!" "Bell she's not illegal." Clarke rolled her eyes at the tall man now towering over her. She pushed him away like a pesky guard dog she never asked for. "Maybe not but one thing is for sure. She's lying to you. That's not her real name. We need to find out who she is, why she's lying and who knows." "What?!? No this isn't some sort of federal investigation!!! You are officially never meeting her!" "I'm getting a weird vibe about this chick Clarke. She could be dangerous." "She's not." "She could be." She huffed in annoyance. "Fine do me this favour to put my mind at ease. Just answer a couple questions then I will leave you alone. Okay." Clarke threw the dish towel into the sink with more force than necessary crossing her arms over her chest scowling at the man in front of her. "Fine." "Where did you guys meet?" He asked. "Down town I bumped into her at a bar." "What bar?" "Delinquents" "that place is filled with criminals Clarke!!!" "They are called 'Delinquents' Bellamy! It's not like they don't warn you!" "Then why did you go in?!?" "I don't know I was just out by myself coming back from the studio when I saw her in the window. She was hot okay?!? So I walked in and we had a couple drinks then we made out a little and exchanged numbers." Bellamy smirked. "Got a thing for bad fuels Clarke?" "Shut up." He laughed. "How long ago was this?" "Like two months ago." "Never sent her around the school or anything before?" "Nope." "What school dies she go to?" He asked. She didn't answer so he looked up at her waiting. Her eyebrows furrowed together as she was deep in thought. "I don't think she does." Clarke said as if only realizing it now. That was a red flag. "Job?" Bellamy asked. Another pause. "Clarke?!? Do you even know what it is she does all day?" Clarke sat on the counter avoiding eye contact. "No we only really get to meet up at night or during the weekends." "Where does she live?" Clarke shrugged her shoulders.  "You don't know where your girlfriend lives?!? That's not sketchy to you?!?" Bellamy asked throwing his arms in the air in exasperation. "Your killing me here!" He said. "I thought you were the responsible one?!?" "Okay Bellamy I get it!" "This is too weird Clarke you need to get out. Now I'm worried and you should be too.  You know nothing about this girl. How much does she know about you? Does she know where you live?" "Yeah she's been over here a few times." Clarke started to swing her legs nervously. "Do you really think she's dangerous?" "Yes Clarke. I think image is part of a gang or is a major drug dealer or something. Something's up Clarke. You need to get out. You need to stop seeing her." "You can't ban me from seeing bell." "Fine. But if your going to be stupid keep everyone else out of it. Does she know about them?" "Not really. I haven't shown her pictures and  I just say 'my friends', no real details okay. So you can sleep sound because your safe." Bellamy rolled his eyes. "I'm not worried about me! I'm worried about them! If anything happens to them because of her or who she is associated with that's on you princess!" He yelled. "We what do you want me to do bell?!?" Clarke yelled back. "Break up with her!" "What if she gets mad?" Clarke's eyes went wide. "Bell..." she whispered. "What if I'm stuck." Bellamy took a deep breath.  "I'm not going to let that happen okay. But one thing is for sure- wait. Clarke, did she spend the night?" He asked Clarke rolled her eyes. "Really Bellamy what does that have to do with anything." It was his turn to roll his eyes. He took out his phone and texted her. [she could have bugged this place.] Clarke raised an eyebrow but said nothing and replied to the text. [we could be way overthinking this. This is stupid.] [Clarke I'm in school to do this professionally okay. I'm going to sweep the house] [🙄] [we are across from each other I just watched your eye roll live okay I don't need it over text too. But I may as well check for cameras now that I think of it.] [okay Bell. Have fun playing Nancy Drew I'm going to the gym.] [fine. Stay away from Lexa and if you hear from her at all let me know.] [no.] Bellamy looked up annoyed. [lock up before you leave and don't do anything crazy okay] [😏] [you will pay for the damages] [call me if you need me or think of something else about her okay?] [ok] [seriously] [I promise ok. I will.] [call me if you need me] [I'm leaving.] Clarke got her stuff together and left Bellamy alone in her apartment to look for hidden microphones and camera ms to his hearts content. And so he would.
Hey dudes short break from the boys but I figured I'd just through this in here sorry Clexa shippers. Not bellarke yet but they may be a background couple in the future as well as Lincoln and Octavia and Jasper and Mya. I won't do a lot of these other chapters without the boys at all but I felt like I needed to break it up a little. Let me know what you thought in the comments and don't forget to vote! Thanks guys!

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