Ch.11 Please Bell? Can we keep him?

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Octavia was out with Clarke and Raven at a bar just off of campus the week after the last party. Living weekend to weekend as usual. Pausing their lives for 5 day before the next 2 days of freedom were earned. They were having fun the way any university or college student would; drinking their faces off. The girls had been pretty wild this night in particular and were slurring their words and losing balance easily, laughing as strangers helped them keep upright. The situation was getting out of hand and the bouncer had to carry them out. Octavia called Bellamy to pick them up. As the phone rang a strange man came up to them on the street an was standing to close to Raven for comfort talking in a raspy hushed voice. The girls did their best to push him off and get him away from their friend before he got more violent pulling at Raven. "Hey!" Another man yelled running towards them. "Get away from them!" He yelled. Octavia's now smashed iPhone was on the ground forgotten. Bellamy yelled into the phone in worry. "O!!! OCTAVIA!!! Where are you guys?!?" He yelled hopelessly. The two men started to fight it became a brutal street fight the girls ran to the wall to get out of the way of flying fists. They slouched against the wall as Clarke got her phone to call Bellamy who answered frantically. "Clarke?!? Where's Octavia!?! Is she okay? Are you guys okay?!?" "Be-bell. They- the man tried to take Raven but this other guy came and now they are fighting and it's bad Bellamy it's bad. You need to get here now." "Where are you guys I'm in my way!" He said. Raven graves the phone from Clarke. "We are at that bar. The one I like. Where Clarke met her girlfriend." "Frick'n Delinquents?!? She's in so much trouble?!! How do you know about Clarke's girlfriend?" He asked. Raven gasped. "Shit! Wait! How do you know?!?" She yelled. "Okay not the time!!" Octavia yelled. Taking the phone back. "Bell- oh shit. The police!!! We gotta go!!! Bellamy their gonna get us!!!" "Octavia you didn't do anything wrong okay don't run." "I can barley run in these heels!!!" She yelled into the speaker. "Fuck" he mumbled sure he would be picking them up from jail. Octavia was right she could barley run and was falling behind. The man who had helped them ran back for her carrying her bridal style catching up with Clarke and Raven. "Here go in here!" He instructed and they went into a sketchy convince store. "In the back. They all followed him behind a curtain to the store room. He sat them down and asked Octavia for the phone. "Hello?" He said into the phone. "Who is this?!?" Bellamy asked harshly. The man sighed. "It's ok. They are safe. I got them to the conscience store on the main drag. Come pick them up they have had a lot to drink. Some pimp just tried to grab them." "What where is he I'm gonna kick his ass!!!" "Too late man I already got to him. Police probably have him now. He's a known fellow. Should be behind bars for some time...If he's still alive." He said that last part to himself. "Okay. Thanks I'm a minute out." Bellamy said. Before hanging up. "Octavia looked up at the man. The other two girls had passed out beside her. "I'm so sorry. I never meant for this to happen to you. You save our lives and this is what you get." "It's okay. I'm glad you girls are safe. It's dangerous to be like this at this time. Especially here. What are you girls doing here anyways?" He asked. "My friend wanted us to meet her girlfriend to see if she was sketchy. My brother thinks she is. That's who you were talking to." "He cares about you." "You are super hurt. You need to go to the hospital." She said. "I can't." "Why not?" She asked her eyebrows scrunching together. "You just saw what I did I can't just walk in there. There will be questions and it's not good." "Then what will you do?" He shrugged. "Okay. We your coming with us." She indicated over to Clarke. "She may not look like much now but she is a med student and will patch you up." She could see the inward cringe on his face that he tried to contain. She burst out laughing. "Don't worry. When she's sober." Just then Bellamy ran in. "O?!? Thank god. Hey man thanks a lot. Can I give you a ride anywhere?" "No that's okay. Let me help you get them in the car." Bellamy nodded in appreciation. He lifted Raven and carried her out to the car buckling her up like a small child in the back. The man helped Octavia up. "I never got your name." She said. "I am Lincoln." He said. "I'm Octavia. My brother is Bellamy. The blonde is Clarke. And the one in the red dress is Raven." She explained. He smiled through the pain in his arm. "Yeah. I'm not letting you go like this you are coming with us." She told him. "Octavia..." he tried to warn her but she wouldn't have it. Bellamy but Clarke beside Raven buckling her up too. Then Lincoln did the same for Octavia and closed the door. "Bell. We gotta take him too! He's hurt and can't go to the hospital!!" "Octavia I can't force the man in the car." Bellamy tried to reason with her. He rolled his eyes. "I'll see what I can do." He said getting out of the car. "Hey man I'm gonna take you back to my place okay. One of us can help you." "Thank you but-" "Lincoln get in the car!!" He looked over to Octavia who was hanging out the window. Then they saw blue and red lights. "Shit!" They all said at the same time. "Get in we gotta go!" Bellamy yelled. Lincoln climbed in the front seat and they took off. Octavia smirked in the back in satisfaction.

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