Ch.12 Welcome!

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After the crazy night they all went to bed. Clarke was able to stitch up Lincoln and clean his wounds. It was a few months later and Lincoln had become a regular to the group. They found out he actually worked with troubled youth and placing foster kids. Octavia had instantly swooned and they started dating. She often went to work with him to help volunteer with the little kids. She painted with them and read to them, sang songs and everything. She loved it. One time Miller went with her and this little girl named Rose took a particular liking to him. She clung onto him the entire day. He was grinning ear to ear. Octavia took countless photos on them she found it adorable. Rose was three and loved when he read to her. She would stare at him with curiosity and amazement as he read out loud. He loved Rose so much he kept coming back and brought Bryan too. She likes Bryan as well laughing and playIng with him too. Octavia asked Lincoln for updates in her placement and when she would be given a foster family. He told her she was young and would be easy to place but didn't because she loved the boys so much and he could tell they would be devastated if she left. "Listen. Octavia. They are getting suspicious as to why Rose shill hasen't been placed." He told her one night. "I need to find her a home soon. I don't want to do this to the boys but I don't have much of a choice." He said. "Well the semester is almost over. Could they take her? It would be their summer." "They would have to live together, have a steady income, their house would have to be up to standards, baby proofed... I don't know Octavia. They would still have to apply." "Okay. Babe. Hold on for as long as you can okay? I'll talk to them today." She decided to call miller right then. "Hello?" He asked. "Hey I need to talk to you and Bryan." She started. "Why?" He asked concerned. "Is everything okay?" "Nate what is it?" She heard in the background. "Perfect he's there with you. Make yourselves presentable I'll be at your place in 15 minutes." "Oct-" she hung up. "Goddamn it." He muttered.

Bryan scrunched his eyebrows in concern. "Is everything okay?" He repeated. "I...I don't know. Octavia said she had to talk to us. She'll be here in 15. Put some clothes on." Bryan groaned falling back into the comforter. Miller kissed up his abdomen to his mouth. "Come on love." He got out of bed and stretched. Bryan admired his toned body smiling. Then he too got up changing before Octavia got there.

A few minutes later the younger Blake walked in. "O. Seriously?" Bellamy asked. He was in his boxers eyes barley open eating cereal. "Hey big brother. Where's Miller and Bryan?" "Why?" He asked. "Here." Bryan said walking out first. "What's up Octavia is everything alright?" This made Bellamy stand up. "O?" He asked crossing his arms over his chest. Miller came out standing between them. "Everybody sit down I got some info." She said. They all sat down on the couch looking up at her with a mix of confusion and eagerness. "So I was talking to Lincoln." She stated off. "He says that he is running out of time to keep Rose in that community centre before she is placed in a foster home or into the system... which would make it very difficult to keep tabs on her." "Octavia what are you saying?" Miller asked worried. "Mill, you guys could lose her. I don't want to freak you out but if you really love her and want her, you guys have a lot of work to do. So you need to talk in private about how serious this relationship is and if you want to foster your baby girl. If you do choose to, you guys need to be living together in an up to standard facility with a steady income." She explained. "How long do we have?" Bryan asked. "Two weeks tops." She she said empathetically. Bellamy spoke up. "You know I love you guys, but you have to be  realistic. You guys are in what first, second year university? Do you guys really want to start a family? I hate to be the ass hole here I do, but you guys have really only been dating for a few months. This is a little crazy. You get that right?" Miller sighed running his hands over his face and resting there. Bryan slung his arm around his boyfriend squeezing his shoulder for support. "Nate. Come on. Let's just figure this out okay? We can go back to my place." Miller nodded and followed Bryan out who gave a thankful nod to Octavia. After the door clicked she looked to her brother and they shared the same concerned look sighing simultaneously.

Back at Bryan's apartment Miller sat down clearly very conflicted. "Babe. I love her as much as you do, but we're still young. Can we raise a kid? Is that what we want? Listen... I may have only known you for a few months. But I'm in if you are. I'm in for the long haul. I'm in love with you Nate. And I'll be there the whole way. If it would kill you to let her go, then I can't let that happen. Love, I've seen that kind of regret. And I never  want you to have to feel that. If you want to do our best to raise her, then fuck it. Okay. I'm in. And if you think you can't. Then I won't judge you and I'm still here for you. Okay, but I need to know you are with me on this. You need to be committed. Sure that we are right. Sure that you want to do this. I need to know you love me as much as I love you!" Bryan sighed and tried to rid his shoulders of the tension he had built. Bryan nearly got up heart broken when Miller hadn't said anything, then he did. "Nobody has ever loved me that much. I didn't even know people could." Miller said. Bryan sighed at his kicked puppy of a boyfriend. He was hurt. He needed the affection and love he was starved of in his early years. "But Bry, I love you that much. I'm totally okay to take a bullet for you or follow you to the end of the world. I'm in love with you. And I'm in. If you'll have me, I'll love you for the rest of your life." Miller had tears in his eyes and Bryan was struggling to hold his back from falling. They hugged tightly, desperately for what seemed like forever holding each other together. "I want her babe." Miller whispered. "Okay then." Bryan pulled back holding Miller at arms length. "Let's go get our baby girl!"

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