Ch.8 Sore heads and open hearts

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Miller slugged into his apartment with Bryan in tow. He was still super hung over from the night before. "Hey babe, imma go to sleep." He mumbled as he walked, or stumbled into his room. 'Babe' Bryan thought. Babe. 'Hmmm. That's new'. He didn't know if he quite liked it or not. He couldn't decide. "Come cuddle me!" Miller called from his room. Bryan shook his head chuckling. Miller turned into an incoherent four year old when he was drunk. He thought back to the night before. Miller had more than his fair share of beer when he plopped onto Bryan, straddling him on the couch.
flashback *jazz hands
" thanks for kissing me at that party." Miller said looking at the younger boy beneath him. "That was super nice. Nobody has ever said I'm the hottest when Bellamy is around." Miller confessed looking down fiddling with the hem of his jacket. Bryan laughed at his youthfulness in the moment. He was cute. "Is that so?" Miller nodded. "Yeah." He grumbled crossing his arms over his chest and roughly pulling his beanie down lower. "He gets all the ass!" Another laugh escaped Bryan. "I'll see what I can do about that" Bryan said quietly shifting slightly under the older boy. Bryan didn't know Miller too well yet he never really opened up so he thought he would take advantage of this opportunity when they were alone with the music echoing slightly from the other room. He had stepped away for a few minutes to get a break for the heavy beats that he seemed to feel right in his chest. Miller has been watching him from across the room and followed his like a doe-eyed lost puppy. So there they were sitting in a room Bryan tipsy and Miller practically pumped full of truth serum.
"Let's play a game-" Bryan started to say before Miller looked up in excitement. "I like games!" Bryan grinned he couldn't get enough of the boy on his lap who would surly be the cause of his untimely demise. "Good." He said. "We are playing 21 questions. The extended edition." Miller frowned in confusion. So Bryan elaborated. "I ask you a question you ask me one and we go on and on until we don't want to anymore. Nobody ever really counts anyways." Miller nodded. "I start." He declared which took Bryan by surprise. "Sure big guy you start." Crap snap out of it he's 22 not 4! "Why do you think I'm hot?" Okay. Decent. Bryan was half expecting to be asked his favourite colour at this point. He took a breath thinking for a moment. "I like how your grouchy to everyone else but when I talk to you your eyes light up. I also love your eyes. And your abs which I can see through that shirt by the way." Bryan said smirking. "I also love that your like me. You may not have a blood family but you don't need one you have a family that chose you and loves you for only you. Not because they have to because they want to!" Miller sat back fully processing the answer. "Huh. Good answer." He commented. "My turn. Speaking of families, what happened to yours? Where are your parents?" Miller started to look sad and Bryan instantly felt bad. Miller rolled off his lap and layers down beside him letting his legs still drape over Bryan's lap. Bryan looked at him waiting for an answer. Miller spoke a moment later. "I was a hard kid when I was younger. I stole stuff and would always get in trouble. I was always in detention and rarely made it out to recess." He said. "That's until I met Bellamy. He saw me sitting in that class alone one day and came in. He asked me why u got in trouble and I told him I stole things. He asked me why and I said to I can give it to my parents. We didn't have much money or sold so I would steal other kids snacks or toys and pencils and things like that. Bellamy told me if I was going to steal I may as well not get caught." Miller sighed thinking back to his childhood. "He taught me how to get away with petty theft. Steal a granola bar here and there maybe an apple or a less used toy car. Things people wouldn't notice were missing. As I went to high school I needed money so I upped my game and took clothes, shoes, headphones, cell phones, iPods, whatever I could sell. It was a hard go. I got involved in shady business to make money. I was going to steal a car and when Bellamy found out he was soooo mad!" Miller said eyes going wide. He chuckled to himself at his own mischief. "He said when I got caught he wasn't going to haul my ass out of jail. Every though i know if worst cane to worst he would. He would scrape together the money. But that's why I wouldn't do it. I couldn't do that to him. He had a little sister to feed. I could never make him do that. So I got out. My parents were doing better for themselves. Dad got a steady job mom was  working a couple days a week. It was good for a little while. I thought everything was good. I thought they were good. We were happy they were happy to just be okay. To have our family together I didn't think anything mattered. I didn't know! I-I brought home a guy thinking it wasn't a big deal. We were just hanging out in my room kissing when my mom walked in. She looked at us... she looked terrified and disgusted. Then she started screaming and smashing things. It never even occurred to me to come out. I just kinda was. She kicked me out. Said I had to be long gone before my dad came home. The kid ran. I didn't blame him I ran too. Graves a duffle bag packed as much as I could and ran. Ran to the only other person I could. Bellamy. I was 16. I never even got to say goodbye to my dad. I heard they moved. I have no idea where they are now. Bellamy took me in. They were living in a run down old house alone. He was in university raising his little sister and now me too. At 16 you think your grown. But we weren't. He saved my life. Taught me everything I know. Made me clean up my act. Said I didn't need to steal anymore but I did need to get a job to help support them. We all worked did whatever we could to keep up the house and keep food on the table. Sometimes we loved off of mr.noodle. It was a hard go. We all took care of each other and got through. O's in university I'm going into policing Bellamy is becoming a detective now! We made it." Bryan had tears in his eyes. He never could have imagined the hardships they went through. "I'm so sorry Miller." He said. "You know, you can cal me Nate if  you want. That's my first name. Nathan." "Okay" Bryan said a small smile graced his lips. "Now tell me your story." Miller said folding his arms behind his head waiting intently.
* end of flashback
Miller shifted in his sleep against Bryan. He looked down at the man and thought to himself this was it. Right here. He was okay; okay to just be here forever with this man, with Nate. He kissed his temple earning a light sleepy moan out of Miller. He smiled to himself and decided to bury his face in the crook of miller's neck and fall asleep too.

Hey friends!!! There will be a part 2 coming out next including Bryan's story so worry not! You will hear it! And it will have more fluff too!! All the cute fluff!!! As always comment prompts or specific requests and vote! Thanks dudes! See ya later!!

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