Ch.6 Party time!

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I AM SOOO SORRY IT TOOK ME SO LONG TO UPDATE! In all honesty I finished this chapter soooo long ago and forgot to actually publish it 😬 let me know if you want me to continue it.

Clarke called Octavia and invited them all to go to this house party with them. She said it would be the craziest party of the year. "Bring the boys too!" Clarke said. Octavia laughed. "Sure Miller and my brother will be there." "Thanks O! I'll see you in a bit. You need a ride?" "No it's okay bell can drive us." "'Kay see ya!"

"Hey bell! Miller! Clarke invited us to a party and I said we would go." She shouted. She was sitting on the couch in their apartment. "What time?" Miller asked from the kitchen. "I don't know we can probably go to Clarke's at 7:30-8:00 ish get ready hang out there then all go together. "Sounds good O. Where's breakfast?" Bellamy asked running a hand roughly through his hair. "Here. Breakfast sausages." Miller called. "Oooohh sausage. Miller you dirty dirty boy." Bellamy teased pulling at miller's beanie. "Fuck off."
They ate then headed out for class it was Friday and the weekend was quickly approaching.

They met at Clarke's place later on. All the girls were in the bathroom trying to share a Mirror made for one person. There were hair tools and makeup all over the bathroom sink and floor. "Girls! We're going! Let's go your all beautiful! Come on I want to get wasted!" Bellamy said leaning against the doorframe with his arms crossed over his chest. They all rolled their eyes as they walked by him.

At the party Octavia decided they should have a flip cup tournament. They split up the boys and the Blake's and Clarke and Raven and Miller and Bryan so it was Bellamy, Raven, Jasper, Bryan vs. Octavia, Clarke, Monte, Miller. "Game on!" Octavia said as she raced her brother. He took the lead. It was back and fourth for a few rounds before Octavia offered truth or dare. "Okay here!" She waved everyone over. "Now!" She shouted when they weren't coming. They got in a circle with a few other people. "Kay..." her words were getting slurred. "I start. I spin the bottle who ever it lands on takes a truth or dare then they spin and so on." She spun and the empty coke bottle landed on a tall muscular mixed guy. Octavia looked up to see who she would be asking. "Damn.... your hot." They all chuckles at her drunken honesty. "Truth or dare?" "Dare." He responded in a deem smooth voice. She grinned. "I dare you to let me sit in your lap for the rest of the night." "Octavia!!!" Bellamy yelled. "What bell?!?" Octavia turned to her older brother. "He's hot! Do you want to sit in his lap?" Bellamy glared daggers at her. "Thought so." She said smugly. She crawled across the circle to him and sat in his folded legs. He gave a tight smile to Bellamy. He reached forward and spun the bottle. It landed on Bryan. A series or 'ooooooo's' went around the circle. "Truth or dare?" He asked. Bryan thought for a moment. "Dare." "Okay... easy one. Kiss the hottest person in this circle." He had no idea Bryan was gay but that made almost everyone in their friend group a lot more interested. So Bryan got up and walked around the circle a few times as if he was playing duck duck goose before he stopped in front of Miller. He squatted down in front of the light skinned boy who was frozen with anticipation and leaned in. Bryan pulled Miller into a long kiss and smiled as he pulled away. He sat back down casually and left everyone shell shocked. Miller looked at Bryan. This was going to be a good night.

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