I'm Louis, remember?

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A Louis Tomlinson gif above! :)


I am going to heaven

I am going to heaven

I am going to heaven

The words were continuously travelling through my mind. Was she serious? Of course not, what's wrong with you Sophia?

At the moment I was sitting in the ambulance and heading to the hospital. Eleanor was coming behind us in her car. Olivia had opened her eyes for a second and instantly curled up her legs. She whimpered a little so I constantly kept telling her to stay still. But it's Olivia we're talking about, she didn't "uncurl" her legs and just went to sleep again.

Meanwhile, fresh set of tears erupted from my eyes and I just closed my eyes. Conversation with Louis on the phone had been merely of 10 seconds because he instantly told me that he's coming and disconnected the call.

As soon as we reached the hospital, the paramedics quickly took out the stretcher and ran inside the hospital. I was running behind them when Niall instantly grabbed my arm and gave me a hug.

"She'll be all right, don't worry." He said, softly.

I just nodded and started walking. Louis had already gone inside. We waited outside the accident ward. Louis hadn't said anything, neither did anyone of us. I was restless. I was pacing the corridor up and down, waiting for the doctor. That's when I actually noticed that this was a different hospital. It wasn't the one that I mostly go to. It was an expensive and highly reputed one. I saw Eleanor coming through the entrance and gave her a weak smile.

"How did this even happen?" Louis asked, his voice low.

Eleanor looked up at me but I didn't say anything.

"Actually," she started, "I was coming back from the studio when someone," I raised my eyebrow, "I mean, Olivia, came in front of my car and...."

"She came in front of your car? What's that supposed to mean?!" Harry confusedly asked.

"She just came out of nowhere." She said. I just shrugged.

"Sophia? What was happening before she came in front of El's car?" Louis questioned.

"Well, Olivia and I had came to the park for a stroll and.." I told him the whole story except the part that she was reciting that poem. "We were actually, um, racing....."

"Racing? Racing?! Are you both insane?!" Louis shouted. The outburst was so sudden that I moved back a little. "I'm just-pfft. Forget it." He said and sat down on the bench.

The doctor came out after sometime while Louis had gone to pay the fees and fill up the formalities . The doc told us that she had to get stitches on the right side her forehead and had a comminuted fractured right leg. He said that they will operate the leg tomorrow morning and stitches had to be done immediately. Other than that, she was okay.

And here I was thinking she was going to die.

"Did she curl her leg or something?" The doctor inquired. I nodded my head.

"Mhmm that's the main reason of the fracture." He said, "We'll soon start with the stitches." He informed and disappeared into the room.

Louis came back and asked us about Lia. Liam told him everything and added that Olivia had actually lost her memory. All of us gave him weird looks but he just winked.

"Lost her memory..." Louis whispered and looked into the empty space.

"Yep, it's so sad." Liam said with a hint of disappointment in his voice.

What a genius actor he is.

"I'll just go get some coffee or something." Harry said and went with Niall.

Louis wasn't talking to anyone. He was just sitting there, thinking,dreaming or god knows what he was doing.

After two hours, the doctor told us that Lia was conscious now and we could meet her after sometime. Louis face had brightened up but there was still sadness in his eyes.


When the nurse came out and informed us that we could meet her, Louis was the first one to run inside. We all followed him.

Olivia was staring at the ceiling when she saw us and smiled. Louis slowly sat down next to her.

"Olivia? How are you feeling?"

Liam was constantly waving at Lia to tell her to not respond to him. So she didn't say anything to Louis.

"Mate you forgot that she has....." Niall whispered. Louis just sighed.

"Lia? I'm Louis, Remember?"

That made me laugh. I just controlled my laughter.

"What?" Olivia said, her voice feeble. I just smiled at her.

"I'm Louis Tomlinson." Louis said, waving at her.

"And I'm Simon Cowell" Lia answered with a serious face, making all of us laugh.

"She really has lost her memory." Louis exclaimed.

"What?! Louis! Are you high?" Olivia asked, her eyes wide.

We all started laughing. It felt really good after the constant shedding of tears.

"A stupid prank." Louis glared at Liam.

"You idiot it's because of you that we're awake at this time of the night!" I said and went to give her a hug.

"Wait, vas happ- I mean, what's happening?"

I briefly reminded her of what had happened. Although she said she wasn't feeling very well, she still had that smirk plastered as she remembered the reason why she was running from me. At that exact moment, Chris came darting from the door.

"Oh look, it's Lia's friend from Planet Zog." Louis muttered. Olivia and I both gave him a look. Chris just rolled his eyes.

"Thanks Sophia for calling me." He approached Lia. "Are you okay?"

Olivia nodded. "Just feeling a little bit dizzy."

"You have an operation tomorrow." I told her.

"WHAT? Oh no, please no. Why?!"

"Ask the girl who curled her leg up despite her friends repeated warnings." I rolled my eyes.

She sighed. The nurse came in and told us to leave the room. We all slowly came out of the room bidding Lia goodnight.

"Louis, I guess you all should go home. I'm here." I suggested.

"No way. We're staying." Liam said. All of them agreed.

"How did this happen?" Chris asked me. I told him the story that I had told Louis.

How I wish I could tell you the real reason, my friend.

Shut up encephalon.

I prefer 'brain' miss.



So, I hope you guys liked the chapter. It was a short one and nothing interesting but coming chapters will be a little more funny because this book is going to end soon. (Unless I change my mind and change the track lol)

Don't forget to leave a vote & a comment!

Not proof read so ignore the mistakes :P


Suramya <3

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