I Think It's Time

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Both Slow Hands and Sweet Creature are amazing!! 

Sign of the Times music video is out now!

And I'm done with my little 1D promo lol :P


You know that feeling that you're lying in peace, your eyes closed, you're thinking about life and then suddenly something embarrassing/scary comes to your mind and destroys your peace? That happened with me for the 4th time. 

I was lying in this hospitable bed, thinking about the operation. Man, who knew my little runaway from Sophia would land me in a hospital? It had been 3 hours since I was lying all alone in this ward. Did I tell you that I hate hospitals? They're just so....so... other-worldly.

"Olivia! Morning!" I saw Sophia dashing into the room. "How are you feeling?"


"Don't worry, the operation will take place in half an hour. Relax." 

"Woah I'm excited." I replied, sarcastically.

The others entered the room one by one. 

"You have no idea how hard it was to convince all of them to go home and freshen up. But Louis is a stubborn creature." Sophia said, smirking. "He stayed up all night."

Up all night? He looks fresh, ignoring his puffy eyes. And he smelled so good.I will never understand why the smell of girl's perfume lasts for like 8 seconds meanwhile boys can go through an apocalypse and still smell like cologne.

"I didn't exactly stayed up all night." He said, eyes on the floor.

Chris entered a minute later, and there was a look of annoyance on each of the boys' face. Chris reciprocated the expression.

"Nice way of greeting each other I must admit." I said, shaking my head.

Louis was unusually quite for the whole time. When I was informed that I'll be shifted to the OT in a few minutes, I was nervous. What if the operation didn't go well? What if my leg doesn't fix?

Sophia held my hand tightly as they were shifting me to the operation theater. And there were short eye contacts between Louis and me. Eye contacts are something that I'm not comfortable with. I will never be able to look into the eyes of my crush if I was Sophia. Remember that 5 seconds eye contact when they first met? I would probably start making weird faces.

So, yeah those were occasional eye contacts that Louis and I shared.

The last thing I remembered before I was given anesthesia was Louis. 

Sounds cheesy and so not 'Olivia' style but you know, I do have my own moments of cheesiness. (Not to mention the early stages of fangirling.)


First thing I noticed when I opened my eyes was-eer-Loui- OH NO WAIT. Sophia and Chris are talking oh my god. Oh Yeah, my ship's rising. ;)

Ahem, control yourself Olivia.

As soon as everyone noticed that I had actually opened each pair of my globular organs of sight, or you can call them eyes (lol), they started howling.

"Are you guys seriously howling? Howling? " I shouted, covering my ears.

"Can't believe you just had an operation! Look at your energy." Niall replied.

We all were sitting together, laughing and talking. It had been a while since we had talked like this. I forgot all about my operation, breakup, stress and blah blah.

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