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So, Here you go...A New Updateeee... :))


I woke up early next day. What time is it? I looked over to my phone. 10:30 am.

Oops! Not so early.

I could not forget what happened last night.

The most amazing day ever.

My phone rang, I picked it up. It was from Alex.

“You want to meet Reece or not?” Alex said

Shit. I had to meet Reece today.

“I am on my way to your house!” I said, hanging up.

I ran to the bathroom, took a shower, wore whatever came into my hands, and ran outside the door.

As soon as I reached Alex’s I saw her standing outside her house.

“It’s 11! And you were on your way?” Alex chuckled.

“I overslept actually!” I said. “Let’s go then?”
“Yes please” Alex said.

Oh I almost forgot to tell you guys.

Alex had a crush on Reece.

She even told me to ask Reece if he liked her.

And I did. Reece liked her only as a friend. I didn’t tell this to Alex, fearing Alex would be disheartened. But since that day, Reece’s behavior changed completely. Though he sat with us at the lunch, played pranks on us and did all sorts of weird things, he never remained the SAME Reece he used to be. But I hope after staying 2 years away from us, he would have changed.

We reached Starbucks as that was the place Reece wanted to meet us. He loved Starbucks.

Alex and I gave our orders. While we were returning to our tables, I bumped into someone.

“Olivia! So nice to meet you again!” Liam said.

Alex was standing beside me, with her mouth wide open.

“Hey Liam.. How are you!” I said, giving Liam a lil hug. “This is Alex, My Best Friend.” I nudged Alex and she smiled. “Nice to meet you Liam!” She said.

“Nice to meet you too Alex…” Liam said. “Why don’t you both join us? Everyone’s here!” He pointed out to the table where the other boys were sitting. Alex gasped when she saw Harry.

“We would’ve loved to, But we’re here to see a friend”

At that particular moment, A tall, good-looking man came in.

“Reece?!” Me and Alex both screamed in unison.

I couldn’t believe it was Reece! He looked so…..so…..Um…Good?

“Hey Olivia! Um..Hi Alex! And Hi…..Oh my…Liam?!” Reece said, looking at Liam.

“Hi Um….Reece? I guess that’s your name?” Liam chuckled. “C’mon sit with us!”

He grabbed Alex’s and my hand and started walking towards the boys.

All of them were delighted to see me.

“Olivia!” They said is unison.

I could sense Alex’s and Reece’s confusion. (and shockishness...If that's even a word)

“Come take a seat!’ Louis said, pointing on the seat beside him.

I sat beside Louis, Alex beside Harry (YESSS) and Reece beside Liam.

“By the ways guys, This is Alex and Reece, My best friends” I said.

“Hello! Lemme tell you I am a big big fan of you guys!” Alex said (screaming tbh)

She turned bright pink.

“Thankyou so much!” They all said in unison.

I saw Niall staring at Alex. STARING.


No Answer.


“Hmm, what?” He said, blinking.

“Stop staring at my best friend, will you?” I said, laughing.

“I wasn’t  “staring”  Niall said, blushing. Alex was blushing too!

I am so evil, huh?

Alex and Niall (HEHEHE)

“Alex loves you Harrrrryyyy!” I told Harry.


She kicked me under the table. It hurt really bad.

“Sorry!” Alex said.

“Well, it’s amazing that you love me!” Harry said, chuckling.

“And Olivia loves LOUIIISSS” Reece said.


I turned Red.

“Oh really Oliv? You love me? I love you too!” Louis said, keeping his hand on my shoulder.

I could see Reece and Alex smirking.

I gave them my deluxe I'll-kill-you-later stare.

“And here we have our love birds!” Niall said, winking.

“Shut up Nialler! It’s just a joke.” Louis said.

“Yess” That was the only thing that could come out of my mouth.

But deep down, I was screaming.

"Reece loves Liam" I said.

"Yes I do Like him" Reece said, smiling.

Alex and I tried to suppress a laugh.

It took a sec for Reece to realize what I actually meant.

"Ewww...Olivia! I don't like him THAT way...God" Reece said, throwing his hands up in the air.

"Gross Olivia" Liam said, shaking his head.

Everyone started laughing.

“Guys, hurry up we have an interview in 20 mins!!” Liam said looking at his watch.

I think he did that because...U know...He felt really awkward.

“Yikes! We really have to hurry up!” Louis said, getting up.

“See you at the concert!” Louis said, giving me a hug.

“Alex, will YOU be coming to the concert?” Niall asked.

“Yeah I got the front row tickets!” Alex said.

I stared at her. She didn’t tell me that she had got the tickets. And that to of the front row! But then again, I had also not told her about my tickets.

We all hugged each other, and then the boys went to their car.

“WHAT.JUST.HAPPENED???” Alex screamed. She was so loud that I was about to fall off my chair.

“Geez, stop hyperventilating Ok?! I’ll tell you.”

And out came the whole story.

“I hate ya Olivia! Why didn’t you tell me?!” Alex asked.

“Well I have no explanation for that” I said, winking.

“ Fine. Let’s just forget this! At least 1D knows that I exist! Each one of them looked so Hot, right?” she said, winking.

I laughed.

“Ahem Ahem! I suppose you both were here to see ME!” Reece said.

We had literally forgotten about him.


That's it for this update!
Next Update Soooonn
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