Chapter 3

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"Ruby, I told you, I was just at the coffee shop." I told her for the bazillionth time, throwing my hands in the air.

She looked at me, her eyebrows raised, a knowing look on her face.

"Well, from what I heard, you were there with someone." She said. "And I know who."

I turned to her, my eyes wide. "How did you?" I asked.

"Ha!" She said, jumping up from her bed. "I knew you were lying!"

I stuttered. "But, I, what, huh?" I had an innocent look on my face.

She rolled her eyes. "You were there with Kol, weren't you!" She said, more as a fact than a question.

I looked at her knowing I got caught. "Um, maybe." I turned back around to my laptop.

She went over to me, and folded her arms. "Gemma! Whyyyyy!?"

"Because, he's really nice and actually sweet to me! Just because you heard from Cara that he's some bad boy doesn't mean he is." I retorted, a little annoyed.

She frowned. "But what if he-"

"If he what? He can't do anything! We're just friends, for gods sake! If that!" I cut her off.

She gave me the look. "Whatever." She rolled her eyes, and flopped down on her bed.

I huffed, and grabbed my phone, standing up. "I'm going for a walk."

She stuck her tongue out at me, and I did the same back.

I walked out, mad at her. Why would she assume the worst? And I just met the guy, for crying out loud! She could be so stubborn, I swear she was like my mom.

I was so involved in my own thoughts that I hadn't noticed the time, or where I was.

I looked around, and saw familiar features. I was in the cross country woods, on the track near the start.

I looked at the sky, and saw that the sun was setting. Oh well, Ruby could stay alone a little longer.

I walked a little further into the woods, but stayed so I could see the beginning of the track.

I checked my phone, and had two missed messages from Ruby.

~Gemma, where are you?


~It's getting dark! come back soon or i'm coming to look for you!


I rolled my eyes, and ignored her messages. I would go back in a little but, I wanted to enjoy my walk.

I was about halfway through the path when I heard something out of the ordinary. It sounded like a gurgled cry, and it was coming from the left of the path. I went to go investigate it.

As I got closer, I could hear the sound clearer, though it got quieter. Eventually, it stopped. I still went towards where I heard it. I saw a clearing up ahead, and was about to go into it, when I stepped in a small puddle.

I looked down to see if it had gotten mud on my shoes, and almost screamed when I saw what covered the toe of my shoe. Blood.

I backed away, and stepped on a twig, causing a rustle to happen in the direction of the blood.

I was still freaking out internally when there was more movement behind me, where I came from.

I went around the trail of blood, and came to where the source was, and saw a dead deer, lying in the grass. I gasped, seeing the basting bite marks on its neck.

Before I could tell what I was doing, I was already out of the woods, running. I got to the dorms out of breath and shaking. I glanced behind me, to make sure nothing was following me.

I heaved out a breath, and checked my shoe. There was no blood left, thank God.

I composed myself before going back in. I still had chills when I reached our dorm.

I opened the door, and Ruby rushed to me.

"Why the hell didn't you text me back?" She said after hugging me.

"Sorry, I got, distracted." I said, I didn't want to tell her what I saw.

She just have me a look, but didn't press.

"Alright." She said, going to her bed, laying down. She was already in her pyjamas.

I smiled, and went to get mine and my bag. "I'm gonna go take a shower. I'll be right back."

She just nodded, putting her headphones in.


"'Night Ruby." I said after awhile of being on my phone.

"'Night." She said from her bed. She was already curled into a ball with the blankets covering her.

I turned so I was facing the wall, and fell asleep, thinking about what I saw in the woods, hoping it wouldn't gives nightmares.


A/N: I know this a really short chapter, but it's mainly just filler :/

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