Chapter 7

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*Gemma's POV*

For some reason, I was a little nervous. I mean, it was just coffee, and I just wanted to talk to him. Nothing big. It's not like it was a date.

I was waiting at a booth in the back of the shop, holding a coffee cup, waiting for Demetri to show up.

He had agreed to come here, so that we could talk. I didn't tell him what I wanted to talk about, or why, just that I wanted to.

I was hoping, no, praying, that Kol wouldn't show up and ruin it.

I remembered that he said Demetri wasn't a good guy, but Ruby said that about him, and he wasn't so bad. Well, at least, at first. It seems like Kol has a temper.

I sipped the coffee, and heard the door open, and looked to see Demetri walk in. It had started to rain, and his hair was flattened onto his forehead. I set the mug down, and waved to him, smiling.

"Hey." He said, coming to sit down across from me. He had a crooked smile on his face, and I couldn't help but think it was cute.

No, Gemma, don't think that.

"Hey. It's raining pretty hard out, isn't it?" I asked him. The rain never bothered me, I love it when it rains.

He nodded, chuckling. "Yeah, I wish I had brought an umbrella, or at least a jacket." He said. His shirt was soaked at the shoulders. He tried running his hand through his hair to fix it, but to no avail.

I nodded, and took another sip of coffee, thinking of how to start off the conversation. "So, how are classes?" Nice Gemma.

Demetri smiled, and shrugged. "They're... Classes." He tried fixing his hair again. "What can I say? It's only the start of the year, so nothing much has happened. What about you?"

"Same. I really like most of my classes, though a couple professors are dull."

He nodded. "I hear ya. I feel like some of them don't enjoy their jobs too much."

I nodded back. This conversation was dry, but I didn't want to jump right in to what I wanted to ask. I also didn't want it to seem like that was all I wanted to talk to him about.

I was thinking of how to phrase it. I wanted to make it seem like it was nonchalant, like it just popped into my head. Once I got what I was going to say, I took a sip of my drink, and started to say it.

"Hey, have you noticed how oddly Kol's been acting?"

Simultaneously, Demetri asked,"So, have you done any assignments you've liked?" He asked me.

I smiled, and giggled a little. He chuckled.

"You first." We both said at the same time, causing more laughter.

When he was done laughing, he motioned for me to talk. "Ladies first."

I smiled. He was definately a lot nicer than Kol.

"Okay. Well, I was just wondering, have you noticed Kol acting... Strangely? Or differently than normal?" I took a sip of my coffee.

"Oh, um, no, I haven't. I haven't seen Kol at all, lately." He said. "Why?" He leaned forward slightly.

I didn't know if I should, but I felt like I had to tell him. He and Kol knew each other, so if this was just Kol's personality, he would know, right?

"Well, it's just that, Kol was acting all... Weird. He used to try to flirt with me everyday, but today he seemed very irritated." I said. It felt good to talk about this with someone I trusted. Wait, did I trust Demetri? He seems like someone trustworthy.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 25, 2014 ⏰

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