Chapter 6

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•Kol's POV•

I don't even know why I did that. I just had this impulse to kiss her. And let me tell you she was a good kisser! But it was different this time. Whenever I kissed other girls I didn't feel anything but with Gemma....I don't even know. It was something else.

Oh my god Kol! You can't think about Gemma like this! You're going to put her in even more danger than she already is!

I was so conflicted. Wait, why was I conflicted? I had to pull myself together.

I was just glad Demetri hadn't been around, I made sure of that. If he had seen that, he would've tried to use it. I wouldn't let him hurt her.

I don't know why I cared so much.


*The Next Day*

I was so confused. Why the hell did he kiss me?

I was still hung up on that question, a day later. It was awful. Plus, Ruby didn't ask me about it, usually she was all over me. It was weird.

Ruby and I were going to spend the day watching episodes of Teen Wolf, another of our favorite shows.

We were sprawled out on the plush rug in the center of our floor, my laptop in front of us while we laid on our stomachs. Every time something happened, we would both gasp, or swear. I was the one swearing, mostly.

Ruby was being awfully quiet, usually she was swearing with me.


*Ruby's POV*

I was trying to think of how to tell Gemma. I had seen everything. I wanted to make sure he wouldn't try to hurt her, and what does that ass do? He kisses her, he fucking kisses her. I was mad, so mad. But I didn't let Gemma know I knew, that would just make her feel bad.

I was trying to watch the show, but honestly, I couldn't focus.

I was thinking of how to get it through her head that Kol was not to be trusted.

I mean, Cara told me all that she heard about him. He used people, he was a total player. She said that he was extremely cocky, and that he didn't care about anyone but himself. Basically, a total douche-canoe. (Which is totally a word, look it up.)

"Hey, earth to Ruby." Gemma said, waving her hand in front of my face. I snapped out of my thought, and saw that the episode was over.

"Sorry, I was thinking about a test in chem." I said.

Gemma gave me a look, raising an eyebrow, but didn't say anything, thank goodness.


*Gemma's POV*

I knew Ruby wasn't thinking about a test, she never stressed about them, but I didn't want to press her.

Even though watching the show all day kept my mind off things, I still needed to think it over.

I got up, and changed out of my pyjama pants and into some sweatpants.

"Ruby, I'm going for a walk."

I grabbed my phone, and without hearing her answer, I slipped on my sneakers and went out the door.

When I got outside, I shivered. It was chilly, and I should've brought my jacket, but it was too late now. I didn't want to have to go back up, so I walked on.


I was checking my phone, since I got a text from Ruby, when I bumped into someone.

"Sor-" I started, then looked up, and frowned. It was Kol.

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