Chapter Twelve: The Attack

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Everyone stared at Banner and Steve felt her forehead frowning. "What, you think that I don't have it under control? That I'd let it happen after all this time." Thor stepped forwards, picking up his hammer as Natasha walked in, checking Harper was alright before turning on him too. "Loki has a way of manipulating people, you may not be in control for much longer Banner." He closed his eyes growling in frustration. Fury turned back round to Harper. "Then you're lying, he's controlling you Stark, it's not gonna happen." She looked at him agonised, "No, I'm serious. I wouldn't lie about this. It's..."

There was a second of silence then the floor beneath us lurched viciously to the right. "Engine 2 down." It was agent hill on the radio, everyone looked at Fury and he picked up the radio. "Sorry." "Impossible to fix now, well have to land." "Not an option!" He growled and he grabbed Thor and dragged him out of the room. "You two gonna be okay?" Nat nodded, taking out her gun and Harper rubbed her hands together. "Tony, let's go. Put on your suit." I kissed her on the forehead following Steve out of the room as he glanced at her worried. We just made it over the threshold when the second explosion went off blocking the door with debris.


"I can get us out. Hang on." I started moving the rubble away from the door with my powers as Nat bought out her earpiece to contact Fury. The plane made another lurch and many of the beakers and test tubes smashed on the ground. "Grrr!" Banner looked at us, his eyes turning green, "Damn. Hurry up Harper. Calm down." Natasha whispered and we heard the signal come on, "Engine 4 down, Stark, Cap. Your up." It went dead and the plane moved again, more papers and work slid off the tables and smashed, soaking up the residue. "Get out!" He yelled and Nat gently grabbed my hand, "I can't go any faster Nat." "It's okay, just keep working." "I've tried so hard to..." "I promise that we'll get you out of this Banner, just breathe, calm down and think." He started to get larger, Nat squeezed my hand and the third explosion happened, right by the window. Sending bars, debris and us tumbling down into the mechanical floor of the ship. The debris crushing us all to the floor. "Nat?" She squeezed my hand again and we watched as Banner slowly removed himself from the rubble growling, "Hello, do you copy, agent Stark do you copy?" "I copy, were fine." I looked at Banner as he suddenly exploded into the hulk. "We're okay right?" We whispered in unison. He yelled as his top ripped and Nat quickly pulled us backwards, "We have to go." I stood up slowly, "My leg, it's stuck." We glanced at her leg, wedged between some machinery and pipes, the hulk roared spotting us and I pulled at her leg as hard as I could as it popped out, we ran.


"Tony! I'm here what do you need?" He came into view, hovering by the mangled metal parts of the burning engine, "Think you can climb here and hold these pieces together?" I nodded, it was time to get back into action. This new suit was nice. I climbed over to him, not scared of the drop even though the one Bucky had fell from had been less. Bucky.... "Steve." I strained as I pulled the two pieces of the engine together, "There." Tony used his lasers to burn them together, as one of the wires dangling from the wall sparked my leg, "Ow!" "Harper did that once and...sorry. Now if I climb in and rotate the blades with my thrusters, can you pull the leaver on that platform in mechanics?" I nodded, rubbing my hands together "Cap, Steve we've got bigger problems, Banners onto the girls. We glanced at each other and he nodded, climbing into the rotators. I leapt off the ledge as bullets rained past my head, kicking the guy onto the floor and taking the gun from his grasp as the plain lurched to the left and I was thrown off the ledge, clinging on desperately to the wire that had sparked me. Is this how I was going to die? Fall to my death like Bucky? Bucky... Someone fell behind me and I watched him become smaller, putting all my strength towards pulling myself up. It worked. I ran into the now open corridor, "5th floor." Fury muttered, I hurried down the stairs and heard scraps of metal being torn with roars from the hulk. "Don't kill him." Was all Fury said and I grunted, "Gonna be hard to do that." Thor moaned from my side, shaking my hand and we slid down the last staircase into the basement.

There was silence as soon as we entered and I spotted the hulk ripping pipes off the walls like they were posters. Thor pointed at himself and the hulk, "You get the girls." He whispered and I edged against the wall towards the boxes. I spotted them, crouching behind some pipes and Nat loading her gun. Harper spotted me and muttered something to Nat, she looked up and I gestured for them to get out, There was another roar from the hulk as it spotted Thor. "Shield." Hulk grabbed the hammer on his chest and yelled further, unable to remove it from him as it held him to the floor before Thor took it off to hit him again and I threw my shield. It didn't work, he caught it and tossed it like a frisbee. It hit me in the stomach, sending me into the wall, a cut opening on my chest where I realised some scraps of metal had got me. "Steve!" Harper ran over and picked it up, off the floor, staring into my eyes as she swam into focus, "Steve, he's coming, Steve!" I opened my eyes fully as the hulk came pounding towards us, pulling us out the way just in time for him and Thor to go crashing onto the next floor. Our earpieces sounded again, "Barton's on floor 7." Nat nodded at us and disappeared while we jumped down onto the next floor. "Cap. The ships nearly at the maximum altitude dependant." I pulled her out of the way as the hulk threw a plane at her, suddenly irritated, "Speak English!" "Pull the!" She swung up onto the overhead bars, running along them, "Steve, go!" ROAR! "Not without you!" I threw my shield again and she caught it, as the hulk spotted her. It grabbed her leg and tried to pull her down as she screamed, kicking it in the face. "Electrodes. Steve!" "I'm from the 40's!" I ran forwards and caught the shield as she dropped it, feeling helpless as I heard her scream again. "Phone! I thew her my phone as she grabbed a dangling wire and connecting the two, sent an electrical charge to its neck.


I smiled before realising that I was falling. "Harper!" I landed on Steve as he caught me and looked at him worried as he smiled. "I'm sorry!" "Your not the heaviest load. Is he alright?" I remembered that I was on top of him, climbing off as he ruffled his hair, "He's alive. I knew that the radiology neutrons in his system would..." Steve watched me carefully as I blushed, embarrassed, "Sorry." "I've got some catching up to do, I know now." I laughed with Thor as he walked in, making my vision go blurry, I closed my eyes as I saw another vision. This one was soon. "Loki's escaping." I breathed out and felt Steve's hand on my forehead, "ROGERS, WHERE ARE YOU?! I FEEL SICK!" We ran off, Thor heading off in the other direction for Loki's cell, making our way onto the ledge that I'd been on earlier. "Where's the leaver?!" I shouted and he pointed at the ledge overhead. "Ill lift you up." He did so as another rebel fighter ran past, blasted off of his feet by Coulson, the gun I'd seen in our basement a year ago when Tony had looked at it in his arms, inspired by the destroyer. "Nice job Coulson." Steve pushed me up and I climbed onto the ledge ahead, pulling the orange leaver as I heard Tonys suit scrape against the engine. "Need some help?!" "WHAT DO YOU THINK?!" I shot some power at him and he fell through the small slits, free again. I jumped down and smiled as he shakily made his way back to our ledge. Patting me in the head and hugging Steve, "Thanks Harper. Good girl." "Wrong girl Tony." The front of his helmet opened as he blinked, "Oh...he's still a girl though." "Come on. There's still a Norse god running round the ship." We ran down the corridor, taking different routes as the corridor split into two. Steve close behind me, limping slightly. When we reached the glass cell, it was there where I quickly pushed the back out of view. Spotting Thor in the cell. "You know I never did discover what this did." Coulson was stood over by Loki, the gun was glowing. Loki's helmet disappeared and he put his arms up. "Argh!" He disappeared and appeared behind Coulson, stabbing him in the heart, "No!" Thor yelled punching a crack into the glass and Steve put a hand over my mouth, whispering in my ear to keep me quiet. "It's okay. Shhhhh." Loki walked past him, looking at Thor as I slipped out of Steve's grasp "Such a shame." I crept towards Coulson as he looked at me dreamily and I smiled a weak smile, avoiding the pool of blood around him. "Stay with me Coulson. You promised. When we were at S.H.I.E.L.D. remember? You held my hand while they tested me and you stayed with me while they questioned me. Stay now." He nodded. Loki pressed a button on the panel and the cell shot out of the room, 3,000 feet below. "Again, you sneak up on me." He smiled and I felt hot all over as Coulson went stiff next to me, "Your sick." He chucked, "It's life...Join me." I felt a surge of hate towards him as his helmet appeared again, "But then again, your powers are non-existent aren't they. Oh well!" He aimed his sceptre at me and I saw red as jets of power burst out of my hands and shot him into the wall. I lost consciousness, falling to the floor.

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