Chapter Eleven: Getting Back to Normal

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A few hours later

She stirred and sat up, blushing as I removed my arm around her waist, "You alright? Not too much movement okay, DR's orders." She nodded sleepily, looking up at Tony as his phone went off, "I just want to know Jarvis. Why wouldn't they include me, my whole buildings a beacon of self sustaining energy for gods sake." "Give it here, I'll hack through the last level of defence." He chucked it over and she guessed the passwords as easily as if she was reciting her abc. I'd never even be able to make a phone call correctly, I still got confused when texting the little emojis. "Oh. That's...Tony." He looked up and she turned the phone round, "Weaponry, that's what they're doing. They wanted the Teaeract to understand it's energy and now they're preparing to turn it into a nuclear weapon, do they even know how dangerous that is, they could wipe earths existence off the universe." "Is your leg okay?" "It's fine." I swallowed thinking.


"Let's go then." Tony chucked the phone to Banner and I got up, holding onto Steve for a couple of seconds before the room swam back into focus. "Be careful." Steve led me down the maze like corridors in silence coming to the weaponry bunker, both of us looking at the glowing panel of numbers by the steel door. "Shall I hack into the code?" He looked at the doorframe biting his lip and pulled the door out of it's frame easily, "Where now." We walked in and I counted the number of crates we passed in my head as I had a vision, "Steve!" I pulled him behind a crate as some security guards ran past. His eyes alert and looking at me, "Sorry. Visions are..." He smiled looking behind the crate and pulled me around it further, "Your leg still okay?" I nodded feeling stupid. I was in a weaponry bunker with Captain America, not exactly what I'd ever pictured I'd be doing in my life...then again, what had happened in my life that was planned. I heard the sound of heir boots on the ground fade and he looked away, jumping up onto the crate and then onto the platform, "It's the third crate on the left." I jumped up onto the crate and he pulled me up onto the platform. "This one?" I nodded, looking at the black crate and Steve opened the padded box to reveal what was inside.


"They wouldn't would they?..." I peered in spotting what was clearly a weapon of mass destruction, I'd seen enough with Red Skull but this...they made the ones I knew look like children's toys. "It's designed to be powered by the Teseract, you can see from the..." I pulled her behind the box sitting her down next to me as Fury and Hill hurried past, "I know only one person who can break open a door like that and I bet he's got some questions for me, we better go to the lab now before he goes berserk." I smiled looking at the gun in her arms and the closed crate, "Godd work. You should have been around in the 40's." She smiled, peering back behind me warily. "We can show Banner and..." She looked at me, the Teseracts blue glow shining on her face and I nodded, "What's the quickest way out of here?" "We need to avoid main corridors otherwise we'll be spotted." "So..." She pointed down the platform further. "Along here and through the vent, dropping into the lab about 10 metres down." She looked at me uncertainly, "That's great." "Okay." I followed her along the platform, prising open the vent door as we peered through into the darkness, the silence greeting us along with an eery breeze. Half the girls I knew would have dropped the gun and ran by now...actually they wouldn't have even come on board in the first place. Apart from Peggy...but she wasn't here, she wasn't an option anymore, she would be married, she'd be getting on with her life. "Scared Miss Stark?" "I've been crawling through vents since before I could walk Captain Rogers." I climbed in, taking the gun from her and I heard her follow as we made our way through the tunnels. Eventually we came to the right vent, after she tapped me on the shoulder and opened it. Hearing the voices of Tony, Banner and Fury float up towards us, "Need some help down?" She shook her head, dropping down gently, catching the gun as I dropped it.


"I want to know why S.H.I.E.L.D. are using the Teseract to make weapons of mass destruction." Banner turned the screen round to show the blueprints for various guns, Fury stepped back warily pressing the panic button on his walkie talkie, "S.H.I.E.L.D. have no intentions of making nuclear weaponry." The vent opened and Harper jumped down holding a gun from the screen, "I'm sorry, what was that Fury?" He looked at the gun, eyes wide and Steve jumped down too, putting a hand on her shoulder protectively, "You said the world had changed. This is not what we learned from Red Skull. If anything we should be eliminating weapons like this, not building them with objects that could kill us all." Thor peered around me, frowning at the gun in her hands, "It's because of him." Fury pointed at him and I took the gun from Harper, nodding at Steve. "Last year, Earth had a visitor from another planet, a visitor with a grudge that levelled a small town. We realised that not only are we vulnerable, we are hilariously outgunned." "That still doesn't explain why you're doing this Fury, it's not right." Harper blinked, clinging onto Steve and gasped, seeing into the future, fury looked over at her. "What are you seeing?" Steve pushed Fury back, brushing the hair out of her eyes desperately as she looked at me and cried out, everything jumbled up like it had been when she was a toddler with visions. "It's. Banner and Hulk because..ow, the, Plane and Clint... explosions, the helicarrier, it's going to. Oh..."


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