Chapter Six: Trapped

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I woke up to the sound of voices, blurry and muffled like an old radio. I didn't dare open my eyes, it was cold. I heard footsteps approaching me and held my breath, "You going to open your eyes for me? You've been asleep a long time." It was Loki, the cause of my problems, so I'd been asleep for a while. "Is she awake?" I heard other, lighter footsteps and someone's fingers at my neck, "Her pulse is fast sir, she's awake." Clint? Oh great! I heard Loki chuckle and I felt his gaze on my eyes, "We'll come back later." He said and I heard their footsteps get fainter. "Hello? Harper, do you copy?" It was Tony in my earpiece, I heard the footsteps approach again and someone brushed the hair out of my eyes, "Shhhhhhh." I mumbled, Loki didn't understand but Tony got the message, the earpiece turned off. I heard him leave again and slowly opened my eyes. "Sir, she's awake." Clint said and I swore under my breath, quickly getting to my feet and standing against the wall, "Hello." I scowled at him as the earpiece turned on again. "So who are you?" "Harper Stark, Tony Starks adopted daughter, some sort of radiography, mythology expert." He smiled as I stared at Clint. "So that's who you are, I was wondering why you were down in the lab. I wonder why you appeared in my conversation with...Come with me." I pressed myself against the wall harder and he sighed as Clint grabbed my arm and dragged me after him, "This is my little lair, you like it?" "I've seen better." I spat and he chuckled. Clint pushed me through a door and locked it after me, "You'll be assisting Dr Selvig for now."

They walked away and I turned around in fear, many Dr's from the lab moved around in zombie like footsteps: testing the teseract, at old computers, signing paperwork and making notes. Selvig shuffled up to me and pressed some papers in my hands and I took them warily sitting on the floor in a corner as Tony spoke into my earpiece, "Harper, it's me, you okay? What's going on?" I looked around in case of cameras and spotted one above me, I was out of its shot, "C-Clint's with him, Dr's here but he's compromised, most of them are here, I'm the only one." My voice broke as I closed my eyes, "It's fine, we're tracking your earpiece now." "How long?" I asked and someone murmured something in the background, "3 days." I collapsed against the wall terrified, 3 days here in this prison, 3 days in hell. "I'll speak to you 24/7 ok?" I nodded then remembered the earpiece, "Yes." "Don't do anything he asks? No work, nothing! He can't get to you then." It was Steve. I muttered an answer and checked through the papers anyway, "They're looking for ingredients like a recipe to create another portal." I heard Dr Banner come onto the line, "A recipe? What do they need, we can get it before them." I studied the next page of symbols and realised what they wanted me for, "They don't know, that's why I'm here, they need a meteorite radiography sample or Irridium. That's radioactive residue off of meteorites that have shot into our atmosphere and survived." I heard more voices join the conversation and put the papers on the floor writing nothing. This was my plan, ignorance.


"What do you need? I can get it, anything! The portal must be completed soon!" Barton sighed and stood up straight, "The girls done nothing, assuring me that she doesn't understand." "Doesn't she?" He looked at me while pacing the room, "Sir if I may, I've seen her research, she should know the objects we need like her alphabet." I nodded as I smoothed the edge of my sceptre, "Bring her here." Agent Barton left and I spun around in my chair agonised, she should know this, she should. He came back in with her behind him, tired looking and bored, "Hello, so nice to see you again, how have you been?" She raised her eyebrows at me, "Ok, so I'll get to the point, you need to tell me what the missing ingredients are." She shrugged and I attempted to penetrate her mind. "It won't work." She muttered and I looked right in her eyes, feeling no power, having no insight into her thoughts. "I'm half, like you. I have elemental power, a shield and power blasters. I'm not normal." I stared at her shocked, "You're, immortal?" She nodded and made a pattern in the dust on the floor with the toe of one of her trainers. I stood up and agent Barton stepped out of way, "You see, I think you know exactly what is missing." I breathed and she shuddered, closing her eyes, "Your smart, your re-search is phenomenal. Your..." "You've been stalking me?!" She joked and I sighed coming up behind her, "I think your up to something." I tucked a piece of hair behind her ear and whispered in her ear, "I'll find a way." She shivered and stepped away and out of the room.

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