Chapter Thirteen: Game of Cards

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"He should never have tackled Loki alone." A medic took Harper away and I sat down, looking at the trapdoor in which Thor had fell, "He was an idiot." "He was doing what was necessary." Steve brushed the hair out of her eyes as she left, leaning on the railing and frowning at me, confused, "There is no necessary with S.H.I.E.L.D. it's all everyone give your all for the government." "So I'm guessing he was the first soldier you lost." I stood up angry for some reason and pushed him down the steps though he was still a few inches taller than me, "WE ARE NOT SOLDIERS." "I'm sorry, he seemed like a nice guy." He had no idea, losing people seemed should feel like second nature to me, dad, Harry, Rose, now Coulson. S.H.I.E.L.D. was the service of lies, Harper had been tested she was 10, kept at shield for a month being injected and tortured. Life was sick and there was nothing I alone could do about it but I knew what I could do, stop. "I'm not fighting for Fury." Cap looked at me taking his mask off and some medic started hosing the blood off the floor making my stomach churn, "Nor am I Tony, but we need to come together and fight for what is right, cause at the moment, that's stopping Loki.


"Harper?" It was Fury, I opened my eyes and sat up quickly, "Where is he, he was in the cell room, Tony, Nat, Coulson." I winced remembering his death. The blood, the blood..."Steve, he's hurt! Nat was with Clint, Tony! Thor." "Everyone's fine. You need to calm down. I have some drugs that will..." Oh no, I'd heard that far too often, I jumped up and ran out of the door before he could stop me. I headed straight for control. Everyone was sat at the table like on the first day, but it was different: control was down, medics everywhere, shattered glass ground he'd under my boots on the floor as I sat next to Tony and Steve, "Is your chest alright?" "I heal fast." Fury glanced at me, hurrying into the room and looked at Agent Hill before flinging a deck of cards onto the table...Coulsons trading cards. "I found these in his jacket pocket. Guess he never did get you to sign them all." Steve swallowed, picking one up, there was blood on it. He had no right. He couldn't come in here and make him feel like that! "We're in. You don't need to..." He put a warm hand on mine to stop me and Tony walked over to the working computers with him. Fury turned away and I pocketed the cards, at least I could put them somewhere safe at home. When I got home. "He could be anywhere." Tony put his head in his hands to think, "No, he's a diva, he wants his name in lights, he wants parades, he wants statues with his name plastered to the sky..." "Son of a bitch!" We said in unison. "Stark tower, he's at Stark Tower." Fury glanced at me, "You sure?" Steve put an arm around my waist, "Has she been wrong yet?" "Suit up." I legged it to my room, changing quickly into a simple black jeans, black top outfit, stuffing my feet into my converses and pulled grip gloves onto my hands. "Come on." Tony was at the door. We ran to the deck where I'd first arrived and collected everyone outside. We ran to a jet readying for take off and I saw the sea glistening around us, "Electronic imprints " I whispered and Steve smiled.


We each climbed in and started our planning. The jets engines firing up and taking us up into the sky, "I'll take to the roof of the opposite building, I can shoot from there." Clint snapped his bow open and I was quick to overtake him, "I'll take the ground, make sure people get off the streets." "I'll go to the tower..." Tony began "No." It was Nat, "He has some crazy obsession for her. She has to go alone." It was silent. "I'll wait outside with Cap." Tony agreed and I squeezed her hand, noticing the cards poking out of her pocket, "We'll find a nice place to put them." She smiled a small smile, nodding.

Clint slid the doors open and I looked down with her at the tall buildings, "Okay Stark, hop out." "Stay safe." Tony mumbled and she jumped, rolling onto the roof of Stark Tower. Nat and Clint stayed on plane the rest of us were dropped down to street level, "Hello, testing?" Nat said and we all replied as we stared up at the tower, waiting for her reply.


I rolled onto the roof, spreading gravel everywhere, "Do you copy?" "I'm fine." I slid down the trapdoor and crept down the hallway into the glass room, spotting him looking out of the window. Pepper sat tied to a chair, her eyes hopeful as she saw me. I crept over to untie her as he turned around. I walked slowly towards the glass trying not to make a sound, he paused and turned around smiling, "Not many people can sneak up on me." "Well I have had practice. Living with a man who used to make money by selling weaponry is quite dangerous." He chuckled and turned towards me, "Your here to stop me... It won't work..." I smiled and pointed my hands like antlers backwards, "I'm Loki and I speak like Shakespeare, let thy ask the something Loki, 'Doth your mother know you weareth her drapes?" He frowned and I head Tony laugh, "Comedy won't help you." He stared into my eyes and I heard his voice inside my head, 'I know what your thinking.' "Does it really matter?" I asked and he looked annoyed, "I'm just wondering why your so amused and chirpy really, your not going to win, there's one of you and..." I counted dramatically on my fingers, "Six avengers which include your brother-god of lightening, Two master assassins, a high tech genius, a super strong soldier and..." He smiled, "I have an army." "Well we have a hulk." He looked at me his mouth open trying to think of what to say. "Yeah, your dead! Well thanks for the chat, it was nice." I began to walk away, waiting, "Don't think I'll let you away that easily." He shot me, missing by inches. I rolled over and fiddled with the knots as she screamed, jets of power flashing past us. "I need backup, I repeat I need..." He aimed his sceptre at me again and the entire room lit up as I blasted at him, our separate beams colliding, making the room explode in light.


"Do you copy, I need backup, I repeat I need..." The phone went dead and I ran forwards with Steve close on my heels but we stopped just in time as the building exploded. "Harper, Pepper!" I yelled, trying to run in but Thor held me back, "They're gone Tony, they're gone." He yelled as the door fell in and dust settled around us. I listened hard in the earpiece as Clint muttered a plan.


I lifted my head as Pepper groaned beside me, "Pepper." She grasped my hand tightly. Glass cut into me as I slowly got to my feet, "I'll get help." I said and I turned to go, "Oh no you won't." it was Loki. I turned around and glared at him, "And whys that, want another go at killing me? I'll heal straight away!" He stared. "Yeah, we'll carry on, waste both of our time!" He didn't and I made for the door quickly, "Why are you so stubborn?" I span around, "Me stubborn, you &1/@&9!32.!£139 !!!! You killed 80 people in 2 days, you destroyed many minds of the people I love, you act like your so great, an ideal leader and yet when someone talks to you, you shoot them! Your a, a .... Grr, your just so pathetic, why don't you go back to where your from because..." He crept up towards me and I stepped back as his sceptre glowed blue, "I don't want to have to do this." "Then don't" I spat and he smiled, "I won'tif you agree to be on my side." I heard many replies in my earpiece but ignored them, "It's over Loki, you don't have to prove anything. Call off the Tutari." He smiled insanely, "Call them off! They bay for my blood if I fail, the will kill me if I don't do this." He sighed, "You don't have to." I whispered, "I don't have a choice."


"You ALWAYS have a choice!" she whispered and I stayed still just for a second before she looked away and I closed the gap between us, weaving the spell of the sceptre once more. She struggled at first, shocked but she wasn't prepared, no shield prevented me from her thoughts now as I replaced those of the soldier with my own and then the blue slowly covered her hazel eyes and she dropped to the floor un-conscious. The woman screamed.


I saw him walk onto the roof and activate the Teseract. This was my chance. I left Steve who was trying desperately to remove the rubble from the doorway, nodding at Thor as he landed next to him and flew up rockily to the platform on which I'd landed a couple of weeks ago. Jarvis removed my broken suit quickly, like he knew how important this was, the summer breeze whipping my hair as I walked indoors. It was full of rubble, I spotted Pepper who was getting to her feet warily and pointed to the door, she walked out. I peered round the room for Harper, I spotted her laying on the floor, her hair covering her face. I brushed it out of the way and realised the bright blue that had replaced her hazel eyes. I backed away slowly and filled with anger, heading out of the balcony doors again swearing.


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