Tip #8: Panels

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Panels are one of the best things at a con. There is many different types of panels at cons. They can be ask a character, celebrity or anything. On the convention pamphlets and the con's website and social media will tell you what panel is on that day or during that weekend.

Sometimes the panel could be cancelled due unforeseeable conditions, a number of the people hosting it are ill/can't make it or the room could be already booked and the panel is moved somewhere, so keep tabs on social media or ask the con staff. It'll save you time when that happens.

Panels can be in the smallest room or the biggest. Like hall H in San Diego Comic Con.

Make sure you know you're in line for the right panel. You might think that you're heading to a Supernatural, The Walking Dead or cosplay panel but ended up in a My Little Pony, DC Comic or Overwatch panel by accident. Check the signs or posters of the panel please.

Think through your question(s) very carefully when you're asking the person in the panel. Don't say or scream: "OMG you are so hot" or anything like that. It's annoying (or creepy or both at the same time) to the people hosting the panel and the audience. So please keep it together. I know that you're excited.

The panels are rated. Can be rated from G/U to 18/21+. The 18/21+ panels are usually held around the evening/night-time when everything has calmed down and the little ones are gone. You have to bring your ID, driver license, passport or any LEGEL identification to go into the panel. Don't have a fake identification document or your club card when you're trying to get in there. It wouldn't work, because you will be denied from entering the panel if you're underage or look underage (even though you're over 18 or 21. Believe me, I know how that feels).

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