Gravity (5SOS fanfic) ON HOLD

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Don’t you hate it when you are forced to do something you don’t want to do? Usually that something has something to do with chores or something boring like that, but never with a concert.  Yes, I was being forced to go to a concert.

Now, you must be thinking i’m crazy, why wouldn’t I want to go to a concert if my parents where paying for it?  And well, the answer is simple. It’s a One Direction concert.  I did not like One Direction. But here I was being forced to attend their concert simply because my sister, Stephanie, loved One Direction and was too young (according to my parents) to go by herself.

So this is why i’m spending my Saturday night getting ready to go to a concert by a boyband i don’t like. It sucked but i had to do it.

“Come on Alex! Are you ready to go to the concert?” my sister asked as she saw me watching videos on YouTube.

“Yeah, let me grab my shoes and let’s go” I responded halfheartedly.

“Aren’t you going to change?” Steph asked.

“No why? What’s wrong with this?” I questioned, looking down at my red All Time Low tank top and black jeans.

“You’re going to a One Direction concert dressed in a All Time Low shirt. That should be like illegal or something.”

“Well it’s not illegal. Plus I like what i’m wearing” I respond while putting on my red converse sneakers. “Aren’t you a bit overdressed?” I ask Steph, looking at her white 1D shirt paired with purple jeans and some One Direction earrings and necklace.

“Nope” she says popping the P. “It is a One Direction concert after all”.

“Whatever” i say following her out the bedroom door and hop into car.

I drive to the concert trying to ignore my sister babbling like crazy about One Direction. “What songs do you think they’ll sing? I hope they sing What makes You Beautiful and Little Things. I love those songs” She kept talking to herself, since i wasn’t really paying attention.  One of the things you learn early on when living with my sister is to tune her out; she was extremely talkative as it was, but give her a topic she loves, i.e. One Direction, and she’ll make you want to tear your ears out.  When we got to the concert I quickly presented the tickets and then we ran to our seats, we were running a bit late so the pre-show was about to start.  As we sat down i immediately took out my ipod and started listening to some music. Yes, i brought my ipod to the concert. I figured since i had to be here it’s better to listen to my own music than the cookie-cutter pop that One Direction sings.

I was half way through Weightless by All Time Low when my sister tapped my shoulder saying that the opening act was coming on stage. “I don’t care” i replied “any opening act of One Direction will have the same cookie-cutter pop as One Direction.”

“I promise you will like this band. Plus they must be extremely nervous, they’re just starting out. Least you could do is give them a chance.” She begged.

I turned off my ipod for the time being, because as much as i hated to admit it, my sister was right. I could give them a chance.

The opening act turned out to be this Aussie band called 5 Seconds of Summer.  Let’s just say that i ended up loving their music. They were not cookie-cutter pop, they were more punk pop.  So i decided that when i got home i’d search up more about them.  I was glad my sister had convinced me to give them a chance, but now they were done and One Direction was coming on stage. I turned on my ipod again and tried listening to my songs but i couldn’t. Stupid Directioners that screamed so loud that i couldn’t hear my music over their screams.

I decided to go leave, not the whole venue, but the stage area. That way i’d basically still be obeying my parents and i’d be able to listen to my music. I walked over and as i was looking for a place to sit i saw that the gift shop area thing (yeah i really don’t know what it’s called) was empty, so i bought myself a 5 Seconds of Summer shirt and my sister a One Direction bag.  She better thank me for this later I thought as i walked over and sat on a bench i found near the bathrooms.

I sat there for a while, listening to music and texting a friend when out of the corner of my eye i see some shadows appear. I look up and i see four really tall guys who looked kind of familiar.

“Why aren’t you inside listening to the concert?” the curly haired one asked.

“I don’t like One Direction and i was forced to come here and take care of my sister” i answered in a bored tone.

Well we’re bored now and were going to have a Nerf war. Want to join?” the white haired boy asked.

“Sure!” i replied excited. “I love having Nerf wars. Do you have and extra gun?”

“Yeah we do! I’ll go get it” the dark skinned, asian looking boy said while running backstage.

“Anyway, I’m Ashton and this is Michael and Luke” The curly haired boy said while pointing to each person. “And Calum was the one that ran to get the guns. What’s your name?” he continued.

“I’m Alexandra, but everyone calls me Alex” I replied looking down at the floor.  I was kind of shy, and having to introduce myself while looking at someone in the eye was kind of hard for me.

“Nice to meet you Alex”


“I WILL GET YOU FOR THAT MICHAEL!” I yelled running after the white haired boy.  We were in the middle of our Nerf war and let’s just say i was having a blast! These guys were really chill and immature, which just made it so much fun.  And the best thing was that these guys were so fun that i forgot to be shy while being with them.  That was a big achievement for me.  I was really shy until i got extremely comfortable around someone, which usually took about a year.

After a while a security guard came and told us to end the game, because the boys had to get ready to greet some fans since the concert was about to end.

“Fans?” I asked.

“Yeah, uhm, we’re in a band. It’s called 5 Seconds of Summer, we were the opening act.” Luke answered awkwardly.

“Really? No wonder you looked familiar!” I exclaimed.

All the boys looked at me weirdly, “I thought you didn’t go inside and just stayed here.”

“Well actually I did go inside, but i left once you guys got off stage. My sister had convinced me to give you guys a chance, and i’ve got to say, you were amazing!”

“Thanks! We really do love hear that.” Michael said sincerely.

And then they left to get ready while I went back to my seat to wait for my sister to come out.  I had a really good time with boys and I was sad that they had to go, but what could i do about it?  They were famous and i was just me; a normal girl from Los Angeles, California.  Yeah, i was in a band as well, but we were just starting out.  Hell! We were lucky if our YouTube videos got 500 views.  Plus, it wasn’t like i was ever going to see them again. We didn’t even exchange numbers!

I could not have been more wrong.

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