Chapter 4

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Chapter 4:

The next day was pretty nice, we just stayed indoors writing some music, well Lucy and I were writing, Maddy and Caity had the day off.  “So what do you think the song should be about?” Lucy asks getting her thinking cap on. “Well,” I started carefully. “It is always best to write about personal experiences so how about we write about you and Josh?”

“Uhm okay” Lucy responds slowly.

“If it is not too hard for you that is, I don’t want you to relive those memories.

“No. It’s okay. I’m strong, i’ll do it.”

And that is how for the next few hours we were stuck perfecting the song.  “Let’s run the last part again” Lucy says, “I don’t feel comfortable with it yet”.

I thought you were the one but you left me brokenhearted.

 You picked me up when i was down and I thought you were the one.

But then you went out and i find out it was all an illusion.

You made me think you were the one

But was i only an adventure? was i simply a distraction? Cause you went and broke me.

Did you really think that i wouldn’t find out about her?

Did you really think that 1000 miles would separate me from the truth?

Well news flash, i know what you did with her and i can’t believe i ever trusted you.

I now know you weren’t for me, cause the right guy will never cheat. But one day i’ll find the one and you’ll be long forgotten in a pile of used-to-be’s.

“Okay. We are done!” i cheer after some time.  The song sounded amazing and I couldn’t wait to show Maddy and Caity.  Lucy and I went over to the other room where we found Maddy creaming Caity in Guitar Hero.  I take a sneaky picture with my phone and post it on twitter.

@Alex_Gravity: Just finished writing to see Caity creaming Maddy in Guitar Hero.

Once Maddy and Caity are done playing we show then the song we wrote and we settled who sung what part. Lucy and I sat down and explained to them who the inspiration for the song was and what happened with Josh and Lucy.  Caity was ready to fly over to LA and punch Josh in the face but we were able to persuade her not to, that would not have ended well.  

The next few hours we all spent lounging around doing nothing. Just tweeting on twitter and checking our facebooks (which we all had at the highest privacy setting possible). Our facebook accounts were personal and private. We really did not want fans discovering it and trying to friend us, it was only for our personal friends. Twitter was for the fans.

Just as I was about to turn in for the night I got a text from Ashton:

Hey Alex how about we get together the day after tomorrow and we’ll show you around??

I quickly replied with a sure and a smiley face before getting into bed and letting sleep take over me.  We had an early meeting with management tomorrow so I had to go to sleep early.  Why would management even schedule meetings early in the morning? Didn’t they get that Gravity was not a morning band?


So that was the chapter :) Hope you enjoyed it and please remember to comment and vote and share this story with your friends, classmates, pets, 5SOS.  Wait no. Don’t share it with 5SOS. That would be super weird and I would be too embarrassed.   Ok so that’s about it i think. Oh! and also, if you would like to keep up to date with when i’m writing and my not-so-interesting life please follow my twitter. It’s @futurstar81.

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