Chapter 1

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Chapter 1:

A few months have passed since the One Direction concert and just like i thought, no sign of 5 Seconds of Summer.  Hell, after a few weeks I stopped thinking about them.  Now you’re probably thinking how i could forget about them, but truth is i’ve been super busy.  My band, Gravity, has slowly been becoming bigger and bigger. It’s amazing! I’m so glad so many people like our music.  I have also gone on some mini tours and vacations with my band, and talking about that, guess what!  We are going to Sydney, Australia soon on vacation and maybe promote our music a bit, get it known outside the United States.  Talking about my band...

“Alex! Get your butt out of bed!” my dear friend and bandmate, Madison, shouts coming into my hotel room.


“Ugh! Fine Maddy, just go!” i mumbled sleepily.


“And that, my friends is the amazing Alex when you wake her up.” Maddy continues. Wait what? Friends? Who is she talking to? I open my eyes and see Maddy holding up her best friend, the Camcorder.


“Wait! Maddy! Are you filming this?” I scream, suddenly wide awake.


“Maybe” she responds with a cheeky grin.


“I’m going to kill you Madison Phillips!” I say running after her “You better not post this on YouTube!”


I chase Maddy around the hotel room and the room next door (it is still ours) and am soon joined by Lucy and Caitlyn, who have also gotten Maddy’s rude awakening.  “And that, is what happens when you wake up Gravity at 10:00 in the morning.” Maddy says, still filming while running away from us.  A few minutes later we get tired of chasing Maddy so we all sit down on the bed and finish the video.


“Well, there you have it. In case you were too busy looking for Horcruxes to watch the video, we are not morning people.” Lucy says looking into the camera.


“Our new single, Heart of Gold, is going to be released soon, so keep your eyes peeled for that.” Caitlyn continues.


“And since we are nice we decided to give you a sneak peek of the song” Maddy says as i go get our instruments.


Once i come back and we set up we start singing:


You gotta have a Heart of Gold

Helping people left and right,

tryin’a make their life bright

with your Heart of Gold...


We finish up our sneak peek of the song and Maddy stops filming.  I go get ready for the day as Maddy gets out her laptop and starts editing and posting the video onto YouTube.


15 minutes later the alarm on my phone rings. I check it and see it says: MEETING W/ MANAGEMENT 10 MIN. “Oh Shit!” I exclaim, quickly running a brush through my wet hair and running out to tell the girls.


5 minutes later we are all in the car, finishing our breakfast and putting our shoes on properly.

“I have a feeling we are going to be late again” I sigh, looking out the window at the Miami traffic. Yes, we’re in Miami right now just chilling and doing a few gigs.


“It’s called being fashionably late” Caitlyn explains as she finishes applying her makeup.


“In times like this i wish we could apparate” Lucy, the Harry Potter fanatic, says dreamily.


Sure enough we were late. 10 minutes late to be exact.  “You’re late girls” our manager Anna says sternly as we sit down in front of her.  I roll my eyes, we are always late, especially to morning meetings.  Anna gets straight to business and explains everything we have to do, which is basically write songs and then go to Australia and promote our music a bit there.

After the meeting we decide to go shopping, you know we need new clothes for Australia.  Oh who am i kidding? It’s hot in Australia, kind of like here in Miami and in LA so we don’t need new clothes. The real reason we went shopping is because we like it.  So we spent a few hours at the mall walking around, going into different stores and trying on a whole bunch of clothes.  We didn’t really buy much but it’s fun just trying on clothes, especially when you try on something outrageous and totally not your style.  And what made this shopping trip better is that there weren’t many fans, so we weren’t mobbed.  We did spend time and take pictures with all the fans that were there though.

It was late when we got back to the hotel and all we wanted to do was rest and get ready for our trip to Australia the day after tomorrow, but I decided to call my parents and tell them how everything was going.  I missed my parents and sister, i haven’t seen them in 2 weeks and even though we do keep in touch it was hard.  I ended up talking to them for an hour, but it was nice.  When i finished talking to them i decided to go on twitter, i hadn’t tweeted anything all day so i felt in need to tweet something.


@Alex_Gravity: Sorry i haven’t tweeted all day. Super busy. Love ya all!


Once i was done tweeting I just said goodnight to the girls and went to bed.  I’ll start packing tomorrow.



A/N: There you go, the first chapter (well after the prologue).  This chapter was to introduce Gravity a bit. 5SOS will appear in like 2 more chapters. And yeah, i wrote Heart of Gold. I don’t usually write songs, but if it’s about a band i feel i should write their songs.  Anyway, hope you liked it and don’t forget to comment and vote :)  Oh!! And could any of you please make me a new cover?? I made this one really quickly but i’m not really liking it.  The person who makes me the best cover will get a dedication and if you give me your twitter, a follow and a DM to the 5SOS band account.

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