Chapter 8

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Chapter 8:

The two weeks we had to prepare for the tour passed rather quickly and were very tiring.  We woke up early and practiced our songs, made our set list and did a whole bunch of other stuff we had to do.

But the two weeks had already passed and we were starting the tour tonight.  I was super nervous to be performing.  They weren’t our fans, they were 5SOS’ fans and I hoped they liked us.  But what if they didn’t? Would they boo us and throw stuff at us?  Or what if I blanked out in the middle of a song and forgot the lyrics?

All of that was rushing through my head in the 10 minutes we had before we had to go on stage.  Lucy, Caity and Maddy were on their phones right now, but I couldn’t do the same.  I was just too nervous to go on my phone.  So instead I went into a small room that was by the bathroom.  The room was tiny, about the size of a broom closet.  Maybe it had once been used as a broom closet, but now it was empty.  Anyway, I hid in there hoping no one would find me and that way I wouldn’t have to preform.

“5 minutes until Gravity goes on stage” I heard someone say over the intercom.  I knew everyone would start looking for me but I still stayed in the broom closet like room, hoping they wouldn’t find me.

My hope did not last very long however, because soon Ashton came bursting into the room.

“There you are!” he exclaimed before switching to a softer tone when he realized my position.  “What’s wrong?” he asked instead, taking in how I was sitting with my head on my knees and my arms wrapped around my knees as well.

“Nothing” I replied quietly hoping he wouldn’t question me further.

“You’re nervous, aren’t you?” he asked and I slowly nodded my head.

“How do you know?” I asked.

“Because I was nervous in the beginning as well.  But relax, everything will be alright.  You’ll have an amazing show.”

“You seem so sure the show will be good, but how can you be so sure?"

“Because I’ve seen you practice a lot these past 2 weeks and I know you are ready.”

“But what if I forget the lyrics to the song? Or what if your fans don’t like my music?” I wondered.

“They will like your music. I’ve heard your bands music and it’s amazing, so how could the fans not like it?  And it doesn’t matter if you forget the lyrics. Trust me, it has happened many times to us.  You can either start the song over, invent some lyrics, or either Maddy, Caity or Lucy will sing it for you.  But relax! The concert will be amazing.”

“You Promise?” I ask looking up at him.

“Yes, I promise. Now go get on that stage! Everyone is waiting for you.” He replied, leading me out of the small room.

I quietly follow Ashton until we get to the corner to enter the stage from, where the girls were waiting for me.

“Finally! You’re here!” Caity exclaims, but is soon interrupted by one of the crew members telling us to get on the stage and start the show.

I grab my bass before following the rest of the girls on stage.  We got into position and Lucy starts us off with our first song of the night.  

I join in when it’s my queue and suddenly all my nerves disappear as i get into the zone.  I knew this, I enjoyed it. Why did I get so nervous?

When we finished our first song of the night Maddy introduced us to the crowd.  “Hey everyone!” She said, “I’m Maddy, that’s Lucy our lead singer, Caity is over there on the guitar and finally Alex on the bass.  And we are Gravity!”

“We hope you enjoyed the first song, and enjoy all our other ones tonight.  This next song is called Painted Smile and it's a new one. We recently finished writing it and are singing it tonight for the first time, hope you all enjoy it.” I continue before Caity starts us off on the song.

You see me walking by

My life seems so fine

but you don’t know, but you don’t see

I soon join in and get the song into full swing

That my smile is just a painted smile

My life ain’t perfect

My life ain’t worth it

I just walk through life with a painted smile


“That was it for tonight, now it’s time to welcome the band you all came here to see.  5 SECONDS OF SUMMER EVERYONE!”  Caity says at the end of our set list causing a lot of cheers to errupt from the anxious fans. 

5SOS come on stage as we are leaving.  You were right I mouth to Ashton as I leave the stage.  And he totally was.  The concert was fun with lots of fans singing along to some of our songs and others cheering us on.  Plus I didn't forget the words in the middle of a song, so that's a plus, right?

As soon as i’m backstage Steph runs up to me and gives me a hug whispering “You were amazing” before running off and doing the same to the other 3 girls. I just give her a thankful smile before grabbing my phone and tweeting

@Alex_Gravity: That was an amazing first show tonight.  Now go enjoy 5SOS, I know I will ;)

Once the tweet was sent i went to the edge of the stage to see 5SOS perform.  Therir performance was better than when I saw them open up for One Direction all those months ago but they still had that vibe that they were enjoying what they were doing and they also talked to the fans, some conversations being quite funny.


“Thank You London. That was an amazing show tonight.” Calum says at the end of the concert as the boys get off the stage.  

“That was great” I say to them before we all head off to get ready.  We were going to go clubbing tonight as a way to celebrate the start of the tour.  At first I wasn't going to go, I was planning on staying behind and taking care of Stephanie, since she was too young to go with us, but my plans soon changed as Liz (Luke's mom) offered to babysit her for the night.  I was so grateful because that meant I could go party and I really wanted to go.

A/N: Okay so this is the edited version.  I hope you find it better than the last (if you were even able to read the last version since it was only up for a day).   And yes, I write all the songs Gravity sing.  I do not take them from anywhere other than my own mind.   Another thing, I am guessing that's how 5SOS shows go since i have never seen them live (not even opening for 1D on the TMH tour)  :(  All the info I haave is what i get from twitter and tumblr, so it might not be accurate.

So that is it. Night guys! (it's like 12:30 am here. Whoops) haha 


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