chapter 2

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When I ran after the guy, I didn't know what I was even thinking. What would running after him even do for me? Nothing.

But I still ran anyway.

I run track every year at school, and I'm a soccer player so I'm good at running. I wasn't wearing high heels thank god, Liz had wanted me to wear them but I put my foot down. At this moment, I am so glad I didn't. I picked up speed as he rounded a corner and stopped to catch his breath.

Unfortunately for me, I didn't expect him to stop, so I ran straight into his back. We both went down, me straddling his back. I heard a low grunt come from underneath me.

"What the hell?" I heard him exclaim. He got up, me still straddling his back. "Get off me you son of a-"

"Don't cuss! It's not nice!" I squeaked.

"Get off my back and I'll think about it," he said. I slid off his back as he grabbed both of my arms so I couldn't run. "Why the hell were you-"

"I said no cussing!" I said once again. He rolled his eyes.

"Why were you on my back?" he asked.

"Why were you at my party?" I stated. He smirked.

"So you're the birthday girl everyone has been talking about," he said looking me up and down. He didn't seem too impressed.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"I kept hearing, 'who would have ever thought she would have a party' and 'there is no way she planned this on her own'. People weren't exactly quiet," he said. I frowned a little.

"You didn't answer my question," I stated folding my arms.

"And I don't have to. Why don't you go back to your perfect life? Have everything handed to you and forget about me," he said bitterly. I glared at him.

"Please. My perfect life? I hate it. Nothing I do I ever work for. I want people to see my wisdom and my skills, not my money," I stated. "Now why were you at my party?" I asked again. He shrugged.

"I got to have some fun, don't I?" he said.

"What do you mean?" I asked. He started walking forward, I walked quickly behind him.

"None of your business," he said without looking back. I groaned.

"I wonder how your parents like your attitude," I mumbled. He froze in his tracks.

"Quick lesson little girl. Not everyone has parents. Some of us have to grow up raising our little sisters, even though we are children ourselves. Some of us have to steal to survive. Or even worse, beg," He said. He turned around and looked me straight in the eye. "Some of us don't have things handed to us."

I didn't know what to say. I was a little stunned as he started walking away. I didn't bother to chase after him. He obviously didn't want me to bug him anymore.

I felt a hand grab my shoulder. I turned around to see a muscular man wearing torn up clothes grinning at me. He held a pocket knife to my neck.

"Hey pretty lady. You're gonna come with me and have a good time okay?" he said with a sick look on his face. I kicked him where it hurts and screamed as loud as I could.

All the man did was wince and drew the knife back a little bit. I ran as fast as I could, but I felt a tug on my shirt. I screamed again as I closed my eyes before I fell.

When I opened my eyes I saw someone run pass me. I heard a weird noise and someone grunting. The noise repeated until there was just heavy breathing. I turned around to see what had happened.

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