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It wasn't until sunset that they came for him. All five males showed up to pamper the corpse with sweet words and hugs, spilling out their emotions only to have them shattered by the obliviousness of the dead. All heads turned to me questioning but I of course said not a word. 

"Agust who are these people?" He walks to my side and stands behind me as he admires his friend which he does not know are actually more like family. I point to each male and introduce them with name and position in his life. 

"That next to Jin whose like your mother is Jungkook, your brother." 


The word with it's tone shatters the youngest. His face falls from happiness to the most devastated look I've ever seen on anyone. Tears begin to well in his eyes. 

"Don't worry, he's fresh out of the grave. He probably doesn't even know what the word means."

"We're pretty dumb fresh out of the grave." Hoseok agrees with me. He approaches me and pulls me away from the group, the dog in his hand greets me with a bark. Holly truly was my favorite among them all. 

"I thought you were going to stay away." 

I shrug. "I happened to be there when he was crawling up, you know how much that hurts. I couldn't leave him to go through it alone so I stayed to help him. That's why I even stay in the cemetery Hoseok, I just did what I promised." 

He leans in and wraps an arm around me, his head falls on my shoulder. "You didn't tell him your name? It's weird to hear him call you that especially so monotonously." 

I pet the dog in between us as I think of his words and the truth they hold. 

"How have you been?" 

"Fine, I've missed you. And you?"

Hoseok pulls away, his head darts back to the four. He shrugs, his head tilts slightly. "I moved out of Joon's place. Taehyung roommate moved away so I decided to rent out the room, I even got a job. It's a small room but it's not like I have any necessities. With Jungkook moving in with them and the kid coming soon I thought it was for the best, it's been great with Taehyung to be honest. He joins me at night when he can't sleep since you know I can't either."

"Making a bestie Hobi? Have I been replaced?" I joke. The smile that grows on his face showed me he was and it made me happy. At least he was living a life like he always wanted to when we'd lived here. 

"Never Hyung."

I ruffle his black hair with my hand and walk him back towards the group. It wasn't chaotic as I expected, the air seems tense. No one mutters a word as Hoseok and I step in. 

"Are you going to take him now?" I look to Namjoon, he turns around. Jungkook follows with. Hoseok pats my shoulder, he leaves to confront the pair. That left Jin and Taehyung who smothered his best friend in a hug. 

"Careful! You might break something!" I grab his shirt and jerk him off Jimin. The boy apologizes but Jimin looks completely blank. 

"Alright Jimin you and I part ways here. Go on." I push him forward but he doesn't exactly move. His heel dig into ground while I push harder. I let go of him. "Go."

"Why?.. I don't know them."

"You barely know your alphabet, don't pretend to know things now. In  your mind there is no such thing as 'stranger danger'. Now take those short legs and start marching your way to that gate!" I point in the direction of the exit. He looks at me blankly then Jin and Taehyung then back to me. He shrugs and sits down on the dirt. 

"Are you sure you didn't teach him stranger danger because Jiminie is not this stubborn." 

"Well that's not Jimin, at least not for some time. And you," I bend down to his eye level. "get up, you're leaving."

"No I am not."

I inhale in frustration. "What's it going to take for me to get you to go with them." 

"You have to come with." 

"No I can't-"

"I'm not leaving here with out Jimin Yoo-"

"Fine!" I yell out in order to stop the name from reaching Jimin's ears. He gets back up and motions for me to do so too. We take off, everyone walks ahead of us. 

"Where are they taking us?" He says, not caring that any of them could hear. Hoseok who walks in front of me turns his head slightly, a small smile plays at his lips. I don't what he's insinuating  but I ignore it. 


As expect they had arrived in separate vehicles, Jimin refused to take the one designated for him. He's completely against getting in unless I was at his side so of course Jin forced me into riding with them. Jungkook who was still mourning left to ride with the two other's  in Taehyung's car. 

"We moved out of the apartment." Namjoon says as he lowers the radio. "We thought it'd be best to buy a house since Jungkook will be living with us now."

"And Jimin's apartment?" I ask worried to know what happened not to space itself but the belongings. 

"The contract was voided when the landlord found out. All of that his mother left behind is now under his brother's name."

"And his things?" I ask with worry. I feared that they'd rid of essentials he'd need in death, like clothes. 

"We got rid of mostly everything." Jin speaks up. "But don't worry we saved both your clothes and a few other things we figured he'd need if he came back."

"Wait! And Sniffles!?" 

Panic surges through my veins as the pet suddenly appeared in my thoughts. I knew he didn't like me half the time  but I cared for him, of course I wouldn't admit that to him. He was kind of evil but sweet at times, I just hope they haven't given him away.

"Calm down cat lady, he's fine. Jungkook brought him to the house since Hoseok moved out and Holly isn't there anymore. I can't believe that's what your most worried about." 

Jin shakes his head disapprovingly at me and we don't talk anymore. The ride is taking much longer than before, I assume the new home is further. Behind us was Taehyung's car rides close, both males seemed much happier than all the other times I had seem them in the past two weeks. Jungkook in back was looking the worst. I turn away from the trunk's windshield and look to the boy opposite of me. 

He stares out on the passing buildings, cars, and pedestrians, things of everyday life to those living. I know it is all being reintroduced to his brain, all mysteries that would be solved in time. His finger lands on the glass as he points to an object we pass, no emotion displayed on his face though. 

The face of the dead stays blank as he rediscovers all the wonders of the living. 


Okay now things are taking off. 

Hope you enjoyed! 


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