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Monday mornings.
Always the same tear jerking experience.

I got up like normal.
Did my daily bathroom routine.
Got dressed.
And out I was.
To the gates of hell.

When I got there I was greeted in the normal way.
Pushed against lockers.
Pushed on the ground.
Just. Pushed.

I got to my locker finally and got my books out for first period. English.
I made my way there even though I'll be early.

Once I was sat in my seat I unlocked my phone and began texting Vic after I saw he had sent me a message.

V- what up my little muchatcho?

K- mucha- ... I'm not gonna ask. And sh.it. School just rips out my souls and stuffs it in a blender.

V- I don't really mind school. My friends are great, my lunch is awesome and well... Obviously classes are a pain in the a.ss but other than that it's fun!

K- you must go to a good high school then. All I got in mine are bullies and sh.it lessons, the lunch is surprisingly good tho.

V- wow, that sounds rough.

K- you have no idea. (Insert sigh here)

V- tyou high
CGP did.
B left m

K- um... Vic? Are you ok?

V- I'm a little messed up.

K- you saw that video of the grinch doing yoga too!!! I love it! XD

V- I did! Vic hasn't tho, I mean, how can he not? It's awesome and all over the Internet

K- ... I'm guessing this isn't Vic then?

V- nope! This be his fabulous friend that has no limits to his greatness! Tony the Turtle!!

K- hi... I guess?

V- bow to me peasant!

K- nah, I'm good.

V- .... Or not... That's cool.

K- yeeeeeeeee

V- so you are probably wondering why I have vic's phone and texting you

K- I am

V- well!!! I shall tell you young one!

K- listening

V- I got annoyed at him cause he ate the last taco last night so this is my revenge

K- talking to me?

V- yep

K- is your revenge?

V- correct-a-mundo!

K- ... How is this revenge exactly?

V- well... I'm just keeping his phone till lunch.

K- oh.. And why are you talking to me?

V- cause I'm bored

K- aren't you in school?

V- yep! But class doesn't start till...

K- till?

V- oh... It's started

K- what time does your classes start?

V- 8, you?

K- same.... But... How come yours has started and mine hasn't

V- .... What was your name again?

K- Kellin...

V- well Kellin...

K- yes?

V- it's 8:25 now

K- wut?

V- it's 8:26

K- you can't be serious

V- I be serious.

K- brb

V- tyt

I looked up and sure enough the lesson has started.
But obviously no one has noticed me on my phone because in their eyes, I'm not important.

K- .... My lesson has also started. I did not notice.

V- lol

K- did you... Just say lol?

V- yes, yes I did

K- #2010flashbacks

V- well, at least mcr was still around then!

K- I am much tiggard right now

V- oh god, same

K- why you do dis?

V- I'm so sorry!!!

K- goodbye


K- ;^;

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