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The bell rang signalling that it's time for lunch.
I made my way to the back of the school and when I got there I pulled out my lunch and spent the rest of lunch picking at it while texting.

V- Todays lunch is burritos!

K- same here, but I'm having packed lunch today

V- .... Why would you pass up burritos?

K- as I said before, my school is filled with bullies and when they're not picking on me I'm getting laughed at by all the "popular" kids

V- oh, that sucks

K- yep

V- not all popular kids are a.ss holes tho, some are nice and funny

K- let me guess, you're a popular kid aren't you.

V- I wouldn't say that, just... I get a lot of girls wanting to go out with me... And I have a lot of friends

K- do you sit in the stereotypical "popular space" in the canteen

V- the middle of the lunch room? ... Maybe

K- yep. You're popular

V- I swear I'm nice tho!

K- are you tho?

V- I'm ok, I'm ok, I'm ok now!

K-    -.-

V- but you really need to listen to me because I'm telling the truth, I mean this, I'm ok, trust me

K- i am much triggard right now

V- one question

K- shoot

V- why do you say "triggard" that's not how it's spelt

K- well, cause I'm mocking them white girls who say it like that...

V- ooooh

K- yep

V- the world makes sense again

K- when does the world even make a tiny bit of sense?

V- ... The world makes a tiny bit more sense.

K- yepppp

It never tells the truth (Kellic)Where stories live. Discover now