break ups

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warning: chanbaek, don't read if you don't ship it (which really you should because it's so cute, but you might not, so)

i sat chanyeol down on the couch, taking his hands in mine.

"are you okay?" he asked, linking our fingers together.

"uh, yeah, i think so. i have something to say, though," i said. he nodded so i took a deep breath to gather my thoughts before smiling sadly at him.

"i'm breaking up with you," i said.

his face immediately dropped and my heart clenched when i saw a strong look of confusion take over. "what, why?" he asked.

"because i know you don't love me," i replied.

"what are you talking about? of course i love you," he argued, dumbfounded.

"you don't love me the way you've been telling me. i'm not dumb, chanyeol, i can tell your feelings for me aren't romantic, and i know you love someone else."

"now you're just imagining things, i don't love anyone else."

i could see in his eyes that he was lying, though, so i laughed, shaking my head at him.

"drop it, yeol. you think i don't know that you love baekhyun? you think i don't see the way you look at him and the way he looks at you? i know you like each other." i said. "i also know you hooked up a few months ago."

"h-how... how did you find out?" he asked, shocked.

"kyungsoo told me." i said. chanyeol started muttering things about killing kyungsoo but i stopped him, playing with his fingers.

"that's not important right now. i'm breaking up with you," i said.

"but what about you?" he asked.

"don't worry about me, i made my peace with it when i found out about what happened. i want you to be happy and if letting you to go so you can be with the person you love will do that, then that's what i'll do. i support you."

chanyeol smiled gratefully at me then leaned in and kissed my cheek, making tears well up behind my eyes.

"thank you," he whispered.

"of course," i said. "can i just ask you one question, though?"

"yeah," he replied.

"did you ever love me, like real love?" he smiled and brought my hands up to his mouth to kiss them.

"of course i did. we were together for over a year, i was madly in love with you for a good portion of that," he said. i gave him a small, fake smile but the words made my heart crack in my chest. that hurt to hear a lot more than i thought. it would have been easier if he didn't love me at all.

"alright, go, get baekhyun," i said, looking away from him.

"are you sure you're okay?" he asked.

"mmhmm, just go," i said. he looked reluctant but nodded anyway, letting go of my hands and leaving.

as soon as he was gone and the door was shut, i broke down crying. i heard footsteps coming towards me and looked up to see junmyeon rushing in from where he was waiting.

"oh, (y/n)..." he whispered, pulling me into his arms.

"i don't know why i'm crying," i sobbed.

"because you love him. you love him enough that you were able to let him go to make him happy. he's very lucky to have had you," he said.

"i don't want him to go," i whispered.

"i know, but it's what's best. being in a relationship with someone who loves someone else wouldn't be, and can't have been, fun. you did the right thing, love, even if it doesn't feel like it right now. both chanyeol and baekhyun are going to be really grateful."

his words helped a little bit so i thanked him, pressing a kiss on his cheek.

"i'm lucky to have you," i said, cuddling into him.

"i'm always here for you, honey," he replied.

i got a text from chanyeol an hour later that said that he and baekhyun were officially together. although it still hurt a little, i managed to smile and congratulate him. i hoped they'd be happy together and that one day i'd find the same.

i don't know about this one but oh well, i'll post it anyway 😂 hope you enjoy :)

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