"i'm sorry"

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when i arrived at junmyeon's house, i opened the door straight away and walked in, surprising the boys who were watching a movie.

"(y/n), are you okay?" jongin asked.

"chanyeol and i got in a fight, well, he got in a fight with me, then he slapped me." i said, sitting down between baekhyun and junmyeon.

"he slapped you?!" baekhyun yelled. junmyeon bent down in front of me and turned my head to the right to see my cheek.

"it's bright red... fuck, i'm going to murder him." he shot up off the floor but i pulled him back down.

"junnie, calm down. don't do something you'll regret." i said.

"(y/n), babe, he hit you. you don't hit the person you love. just look, your cheek is bright red, there's a hand print on it, and there are tears streaming down your cheeks. i don't know what possessed him to hit you, he's usually really sweet, but he still did and i want to hit him because of it." he said, gently rubbing my cheek.

"no, please. he's mad enough at you already." i said.

"why is he mad at me?" he asked.

"he thinks i'm cheating on him with you. that's why we fought." i replied.

"why would he think that?" jongin asked.

"i kissed junnie on the cheek when he dropped me off earlier and chanyeol thought i'd kissed him on the lips." i said.

"that guy has always been an idiot." minseok said, shaking his head.

"he's not an idiot, i mean, he was just jealous. obviously i hate him for what he did and i don't want to see him for a long time, but he's not an idiot." i said. junmyeon pouted and pulled me into a hug, pinning me against the back of the couch.

"i'm sorry, babe." he said.

"it's okay." i replied. i wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him in closer.

"you know, not to stand up for the bad thing he did, but it's not hard to see why chanyeol thought you were cheating." kyungsoo said.

"what do you mean?" i asked.

"look what you're doing right now. and, every time we all spend time together, you two are always hugging, holding hands, texting, kissing cheeks, all the things that couples do. you don't even do that with chanyeol when we're around. i'm sorry, but this isn't all his fault." he explained. i thought about it and sighed, realizing it was true. i pushed junmyeon away from me then buried my face in my hands, groaning.

"i fucked up, didn't i..." i mumbled.

"no, hun. junmyeon is your best friend, you're just doing what best friends do. it is understandable that chanyeol got a bit jealous, but he didn't have to take it that far." baekhyun said, rubbing my back. i sighed again and hid my face in his arm.

the doorbell rang a few minutes later so junmyeon got up to answer it. i heard chanyeol's name slip past his lips then saw chanyeol storm into the living room.

"(y/n), baby, can i talk to you?" he asked, holding his hand out to me. i hesitantly took it and let him take me into the kitchen.

"look, before you speak, i'm sorry for how i act with junmyeon, i'm sorry if it makes you jealous. i don't think what you did was any justification for what you feel, but i'm sorry." i said.

"no, i'm sorry. i overreacted way too much, i should never have hit you. i love you so much, baby, and i'm so sorry that i hurt you, i'll never do it again." he said. i pulled him into my arms and held him close, stroking the back of his head.

"it's okay, yeol. i'll stop spending so much time with junmyeon and as long as you never, never hit me again, we'll be okay." i said. he sighed in relief and wrapped his arms around me. he continued to tell me how sorry he was so i just held him.

"everything will be okay." i whispered. i just hoped it would be true.

here's part two, i hope you guys like it :)

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