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i gently shoved chanyeol down in my desk chair and laid out all of my makeup products in front of him. making sure my camera was on, i sat down beside chanyeol and placed my hand on his thigh.

"so, chanyeol, explain why we're here today," i said.

"you're putting makeup on me," he said.

"that's right," i said. "i will be turning my handsome boyfriend into my beautiful girlfriend then we are going to surprise his friends."

"you never told me that last part! kyungsoo is going to mock the hell out of me!"

"oh, he definitely is."

he pouted and i cooed, running my thumb across his bottom lip.

"it'll be fine, come on, let's start."

i picked up my foundation and spread it over his face, laughing when he made weird faces at me.

"why are you doing this to me?" he asked.

"because you live here, i'm bored today, and you're a good sport," i replied. i applied his concealer next before packing on the setting powder.

"ugh, i don't like that, my nose is tingling."

"it'll go away."

as i was shaping and filling his eyebrows, he moved his hands around to my back and pulled me in closer to him.

"chanyeol," i warned.

"what? i'm just hugging you," he said. i turned around to pick up my eyeshadow pallet and when i turned back, my lips immediately met his. i rolled my eyes but kissed him back for a second before pulling away.

"no more kissing, you'll ruin your makeup," i said.

"i never agreed to no kissing," he said. i put my finger up to his lips and shushed him, giggling when he kissed my finger.

after finishing all of his makeup, i picked up the outfit i had laid out on my bed.

"i am not wearing that," he said.

"aw, why not? you'll look so pretty!"

"no, (y/n). the makeup is bad enough, i can't have them all laugh at me for the rest of my life."

i put the clothes down, pouting, but then grinned again.

"will you wear a wig?" i asked. he sighed but nodded so i grabbed my long blonde wig from my closet. i put it on his head and fixed it so it looked okay.

"alright, let's head out to see the boys."

i turned my camera off and took it off the tripod then chanyeol and i drove to the boys' dorm.

once we arrived, i texted jongin to get the boys to wait for us in the living room then looked at chanyeol and turned the camera on again.

"ready?" i asked.

"no," he replied.

"good," i said. "let's go."

we walked inside the house, myself going first, and when we were reaching the living room, i told chanyeol to wait for me to call him. i went into the living room and grinned when i saw all 7 boys waiting.

"what's going on?" baekhyun asked.

"i have someone i want you guys to meet," i said. "come on in!"

chanyeol walked around the corner and the boys went silent for a second before sehun burst out laughing.

"oh my god!" he cried. the others joined in and soon there was a whole room of people laughing at chanyeol who just stood rolling his eyes.

"i'd like you guys to meet my new girlfriend," i said. "isn't she pretty?"

"sh-she's beautiful," jongin said, wiping escaped tears from his cheek.

"haha, very funny," chanyeol said.

"ooh, she's got a very deep voice," kyungsoo teased. they all took pictures of chanyeol then i let him take the wig off.

"never again," he told me.

"we'll see, my lovely girlfriend," i said. "we'll see."

LMAO this was so bad 😂 sorry guys

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