family day

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when i woke up in the middle of the night and i didn't hear the twins crying from their room, i was worried. i didn't bother checking my boyfriend chanyeol beside me, he never woke up to take care of the babies anyway. not that he wasn't a caring dad, he was the most amazing parent when he was awake, but a bulldozer couldn't wake him up when he was out.

i climbed out of bed and tiptoed down the hall just in case the babies were still asleep, ever so gently twisting the door knob once i reached their room. i pushed the door open and was surprised but relieved to see the twins on chanyeol's chest on the rocking chair. he was asleep, the twins were asleep, and bottles littered the floor 3/4 empty. his grip on the babies was enough that they wouldn't fall off him but fearing the worst, i carefully lifted them off him and laid them down in their cribs.

"babe?" chanyeol whispered, voice croaky with sleep.

"it's me," i said. "you fell asleep with the babies."

"they were hungry," he said.

"thank you for waking up to feed them."

"couldn't sleep anyway."

i held my hand out for him and he took it so i could pull him up from the chair and drag him back to our bed. we laid down and chanyeol quickly scooted closer to me and cuddled against my chest.

"my baby," i said. he mumbled in agreement but was far gone a second later. i chuckled and stroked his head before falling asleep myself.


the next time i woke up was to the sound of the twins crying hysterically and chanyeol still fast asleep on me. i nudged him off as gently as possible before quickly warming up bottles for the babies and rushing to their room. i lifted soohyun up first and began feeding him before managing to scoop up jaesung and give him his bottle. i sat down in the rocking chair, closing my eyes as i rocked them to keep them calm. i burped and changed them once they'd finished eating before carrying them into the bedroom and placing them down on the bed beside chanyeol.

"wake daddy up," i whispered to them. i lifted soohyun closer to chanyeol, giggling when the baby grabbed chanyeol's hair tight in his fist. jaesung seemed to find the whole thing hilarious as he giggled excitedly before grabbing chanyeol's ear. the latter hissed in pain as the feeling woke him up but grinned as soon as he saw the babies.

"there are my boys," he said. he placed jaesung on his chest and the baby happily snuggled into his daddy. soohyun turned to look at me so i laid down beside chanyeol and placed the boy on my chest where he too snuggled up.

"i was going to get up and go to practice but i think i'd rather stay here," chanyeol said.

"you have to go, your managers would kill you," i said.

"but babies." chanyeol pouted but i just shrugged.

"being cute to me won't do anything, it's not my decision."

he huffed but picked his phone up from the bedside table and sent a text in his group chat with the boys saying he wanted to spend the day with the babies. it doesn't take long for him to get responses.

"kyungsoo says 'managers will hate you', baekhyun says 'ha lazy,' and jongin has sent a sad face because he wants to spend the day with the babies, too," he said.

"how about you go to practice and we come with you?" i suggested.

"you sure? is having two 6 month old babies there a good idea?" he asked.

"it'll be fine, we can have a nice family day out," i said. he grinned and leaned over to kiss me in a positive response.

"then let's go."

so chanyeol and babies is still the cutest thing to me and i don't think it ever won't be so i hope you enjoyed this instalment of chanyeol+babies and expect more! :) thanks for reading!

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