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i woke up to the sun shining in my eyes but i couldn't find it in my heart to care that i was being blinded. i turned towards the body beside me and grinned when i saw the sleeping face of my beautiful new husband. i pushed the loose hair off his face and ran my thumb over his bottom lip. when i leaned up to kiss him, his eyes fluttered open and he grinned, kissing me back.

"what a nice way to wake up," he mumbled. i smiled and kissed him again.

"what's on the agenda for today, dear husband?" i asked.

"it's a relaxing beach day today, lovely wife," he replied.

"sounds amazing."

i rolled over into his arms and buried my face in his bare chest.

"i still can't believe we're married," i said.

"it has only been a day, baby, it'll sink in soon," he said.

"i know, and i'm excited for that." i picked his hand up and played with the new white gold ring on his finger.

"shall we get up now?" he asked.

"yeah," i replied. i slid out of bed and turned back to look at chanyeol who was just staring at me.

"come on, get up," i said.

"let me admire you for a minute," he said. i laughed then grabbed my bathing suit and put it on.

"you've had enough time, now get out of bed and let's go!" i said. he smiled and got out of bed then walked over to me.

"chanyeol, go to the bathroom," i said.

"why?" he asked.

"look down."

he did but he just shrugged.

"you're sexy, what can i say?" he said. i chuckled and pushed him towards the bathroom.

"you can't go to the beach with that, get rid of it," i said.

about 20 minutes later, chanyeol walked back out in his swim trunks and a shirt.

"ready?" he asked. i nodded then grabbed my beach bag and we left the room.

down at the beach, we found an empty enough spot and put our things down. i handed my sunscreen to chanyeol and he rubbed it into my back before i did the same for him. he then took my hand and tugged me down to the water before picking me up and throwing me in.

"chanyeol!" i cried. he stood laughing, doing his weird seal-like clap, while i sat in the water completely drenched. i stood up and marched over to him then grabbed his arm, pulled him deeper into water, and pushed him over. when he surfaced again, he pushed his hair out of his eyes and pouted at me.

"you deserved that, don't give me that face," i said. i walked over to him and ran my fingers through his hair. i sat down in front of him and took his hands in mine.

"let's actually have fun now," i said. he nodded and we stood back up.


after playing around in the water for a while, chanyeol and i went back to our spot on the sand and unpacked the food we bought. chanyeol pulled me into his chest and wraps his arms around me, burying his face in my shoulder.

"thank you for marrying me," he said.

"thank you for marrying me," i replied. i turned my head towards him and he kissed me gently.

"i love you so much," he said.

"i love you, too, baby," i said. i kissed him again then turned back to look at the beach. being on such a wonderful beach with my beautiful husband is everything that i could have ever dreamed of and more.

this one's kind of cute i guess 😂 thanks to Nathalieruix for the idea :) hope you guys like it!

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