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chanyeol crawled into our blanket fort, duvet slung around his shoulders, then closed the 'door' and sat next to me on our pillow mountain.

"i'm so glad we're doing our weekly sleepovers again," he said, leaning over to place a gentle kiss on my lips.

"mm, me too," i replied. "is your management okay with it?"

"yeah. they were a little confused about why two engaged adults are having a sleepover in a blanket fort but i'm weird so they didn't question it."

i giggled which he smiled at.

"well, it's the best we can do when you're not allowed to live with me," i said. he nodded, smile dropping slightly.

"i'm really sorry about that," he said.

"it's okay, yeol. once we announce the marriage you'll be allowed to be seen here and that's in a few weeks so it's fine."

"i can't believe that's so soon. it feels like only yesterday i proposed."

"it really does. but it's been, what, a year now? it's about time everyone knows so we can start wedding preparations."

"the sooner the wedding, the sooner we can start the baby making."

he wiggled his eyebrows at me, making me scoff.

"is that all you care about? finally getting into my pants?" i asked.

"of course not, baby," he said. "i completely respect your decision to wait until marriage, but i must admit that as a 28 year old hormonal man, it's hard to keep it down sometimes."

i laughed again and scooted over to kiss him.

"soon, love, soon." he smiled and pecked my nose.

"alright," he said. "it's snuggle time."

i laid down on the pillows as chanyeol quickly turned the bedroom light off before coming back into the tent and cuddling up under the duvet with me. i threw my arm over his waist and buried my head in the side of his neck, breathing in his amazing scent.

"i've missed this so much," i whispered.

"me too," he agreed. "i'm glad we won't be as busy for a while so we can do this more often. it's hard having to sleep without you. i miss your warmth and as i found out, baekhyun is just not the same."

the thought of chanyeol and baekhyun cuddled up in chanyeol's bed flashed through my head and i had a hard time hiding my laugh.

"you're so gay for him," i teased.

"if i hadn't found you, chances are we'd be getting married eventually," he said. i grinned but my grip tightened around him. i hate the thought of losing him to anyone, no matter how cute his and baekhyun's relationship is.

"you're mine though so don't think about leaving me."

"i would never."

i ran my finger across his chest, tracing the faint outlines of his abs as his hand rubbed up and down my side.

"there's something i think we should talk about," he said out of the blue.

"what?" i asked, worry creeping up inside me.

"it's nothing bad," he said when he felt how i tensed. "just if we're going to have kids when we get married."

"oh. well, yeah, i want to."

"you do?"

"of course. i want little baby chanyeol's running around everywhere. one giant baby chanyeol isn't enough."

"i'm not a baby."

"you're sure whining like one."

he mumbled something about me being stupid which made me chuckle.

"anyway, yes, i want kids."

"okay, good, me too."

"boy or girl?"

"i'm fine with either but i've always imagined having a little princess to spoil."

"i want a boy. i think he'd take after you and it would be really cute."

"well, i guess we'll have to have more than one."

i looked up at him in the darkness and nodded in agreement.

"we should get some sleep now," i said, leaning up to kiss his chin.

"okay," he replied. "i love you."

"i love you, too."

i hope you guys like this, i think it's pretty cute if i do say so myself :)

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