Chapter IX

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“Shit!” I mumbled, getting out of Brad’s lap and sitting on the floor.

“What? Who is it?” Brad whispered, and I mouthed “mom” while answering the call.
“Hi there, mom!” I said excitedly, trying to cover up my gasp of air.
“Is Megan serious?”


“You and Bradley sneaking out together? The other day you were complaining that you had to look at his face, and now you two go out just the two of you? What are you even doing, Heloise?”

“I- I don’t know how to explain. He simply asked me if I wanted to get out of the house and I said yes.”

“After being frightened about you finding out.” Brad said out loud and my mom squealed on the phone.

“Shut up, loser!” I slapped his arm and he pouted. “No, don’t do that.”

“Heloise, can you give me any attention at all?” my mom whined, and I sighed nervously.

“Seriously mom, what do you think it’s happening?”

“I don’t know! That’s what freaks me out!”

“Inhale, mom.” I heard her take a breath. “Now exhale.” she let out the breath. “Are you feeling better?”

“A little bit. But that’s not the point! You are in great trouble once I come back from this trip, do you hear me young lady?”

“But mom!”

Bradley laughed out loud and I slapped him one more time.

“No buts. If you’re not back by tomorrow morning to your aunt’s house, I will snatch you myself from wherever the hell you are.”

“I will be back, don’t worry.”

“Now good night. And be careful. And slap Brad one more time for me. And I love you.”

She then hung up and I smiled slightly.

“My mom is so pissed but she can’t hide the fact she’s really worried.” I muttered and Brad came down to my side, wrapping an arm around my waist.

“You are in great trouble, you hear me young lady?” he whispered, pecking my earlobe.

“No, Simpson. I’m too stressed right now. Let’s just watch something, ok?”

“You’re so boring. Where is my t-shirt?”

“Across the room…” I said after looking around, feeling my cheeks getting red.

“Are you blushing?” Brad asked after taking a few strides toward the other end of the living room, putting his shirt on.

“Me? No, of course not.” I tried to hide my face but he reached out and touched my cheek before I could.

“You’re warm. No need for embarrassment, Hell. It was just a little bit of a snog, that’s it.”

“You talk about this so naturally, don’t you think it’s weird?”


“At all?”

“At all.”

“You’re an alien. Like, seriously, I am your cousin. The one girl that drew with crayons on your favorite t-shirt when we were 6, I think?”

“The time we spent apart made me stop looking at you as family. Now you’re all grown up, so beautiful.”

I smiled at the compliment, grabbing his hand in mine, linking our fingers together. My hand was quite smaller than his, but somehow they fitted perfectly.

Forbidden, a Bradley Simpson fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now