Dick Grayson/Nightwing X Reader- Please Stop (Part 2)

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Everyone stared at Damian while they were waiting for Alfred to finish patching you up. Dick was sitting on Damian's left. The images of you tearing all of the Penguin's men flashed across his mind as he awaited for you to wake up. When he proposed a relationship with you after those quiet months, he never expected this. Yes, your grandfather was considered 'The Demon', but he never considered you to actually be one. To Damian's right was Tim. He wasn't there when you lost control, but the sight of what you had done also haunts him. Over all of the years working for Bruce, he had never seen that much blood and gore. Shivers crawled up his spine at the thought of all of the pain those men went through. They were criminals, but they didn't deserve to die like that. Jason was leaning up against the wall that the door to the room you and Alfred were in. He didn't care about the men, he cared about your well-being and if you were going to make it or not. He killed crooks almost everyday, why would this affect him? He admitted that it was unsettling that you did all of that, but the (Y/N) he knew wouldn't have done that without purpose. Bruce was at the Bat Computer pulling together all of the information he had on you. How could he not see this? How could he have missed that she is not his child? Of course that doesn't change how he cares about you, but why did you keep it a secret?

"She'll make it, but she needs rest," Alfred said while walking out of the door and stripping his medical gloves and garments off.

Bruce got up from his chair and walked over to Damian, "Explain."

Damian sighed and started, "I only know the pieces that (Y/N) has told me. Before me, there was another plot to have an heir. Grandfather wanted an all powerful successor that would be half human and half demon. My grandfather and mother made a deal with a demon, I don't know who, to have (Y/N) conceived. After she was born, grandfather had immediately taken her under his wing. He trained and taught her everything he knew, but also experimented with her other heritage. He would try to control her 'inner demon' as he called it and weaponize it. As you saw today it worked, but at a cost. The demon was uncontrollable, but it could be aggravated. If she was in danger, it would take control. When I was born, it somehow became attached to me. Mother believed it was because that her demon was not a different personality, but the opposite of her conscience."

"Basically an anti Jiminy Cricket," Tim said.

Damian glared at him before nodding, "Whenever I would be in danger or harmed, the demon would come out. It still was her, but her morals and anything good, would disappear. That is why when I called out to her, she stopped. She tries to keep it under control, but sometimes it's too much."

"Why didn't she tell us?" Dick asked in a whisper.

"I do not know. It is best for you to ask her and not me," Damian responded.

"Has this occurred other than today?" Bruce asked, "When you both came here?"

"It happens every few days," Damian said, "but it has lessened since she has been with Grayson."


(Whole conversation is in Arabic)

"I do not understand why you are against me joining you and your father," you grumbled, "I am beyond excellent in fighting and have went through all of grandfather's trials."

"I am not the only one against it. I have my reasons and father has his. I worry about you losing control and father worries if he could trust you with all of the training you went through. He still doesn't trust me either. I did kill that villain when we arrived."

"Yes, you killed a villain while you snuck out of the manor and I followed, causing the both of us to get in trouble with your father. Let's not forget when you almost killed the previous Robin that was capable of helping your father," you said.

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