Jason Todd/Red Hood X Reader- Happy Birthday

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Jason sighed for what seemed like the thousandth time that day. The pain in his chest was too much to bear when he thought about you. Before, it was the greatest feeling he had ever experienced, but now it had changed. Your smile was once something he could take comfort in, confide in, but once again it had changed. Now he couldn't look at your smile and believe that it was meant to trick him. It could be nothing, he reminded himself so many times, but his gut told him something was off. The reasons for his actions were plausible, but knowing that you were hiding something from him hurt more than any gunshot wound could. What had started all of this? He first noticed something strange when you went shopping with Kori. He thought it was nothing at first, but when you returned with an odd smile on your face he knew you were hiding something. Even when Roy went with you and Kori, it felt like something was off. Your relationship with him wasn't as strong as it was when it began, but you constantly reminded that you were his and only his, and that he was yours.

"(Y/N)?" he asked, fumbling around with the leather jacket he wore.

"Yeah, Jason?" you asked and popped your head through the bathroom door.

"If this relationship doesn't work out for you, please let me know."

Your smile instantly fell from your face, "Why would you think I'm unhappy?"

He watched as you stepped out of the steaming bathroom with your robe wrapped around your figure. Worry and concern could be seen in your eyes, but he couldn't tell if the worry was for him or yourself. He tried to distract himself by watching the water drop from your hair, but relented.

"I'm just worried, (Y/N), and scared that I could never give you what you deserve," he admitted, looking over to your glossy eyes.

"Jason, I don't want a partner that will give me anything I want. I one that will love me, support me, and make me feel like I'm the only person in the world, and you do all of those things and more," you stated, holding his face in your hands. "I don't care if I have to say this a million times to drill it into your skull, I love you and only you."

After that conversation, you left the room to get changed, but Jason heard you speaking to someone on the phone. Your voice was muffled, but he could tell by the tone of your voice you were guilty and heartbroken. He tried to ignore it, but once you returned fully dressed he shoved the thoughts out of his mind.

"Come on, Jason!" you shouted while pulling on his arm. "We haven't gone out in forever!"

"Fine," he grumbled, "but we're going to the cinema to see a movie of my choice."

"Okay," you agreed. "Let me get our jackets and we'll go."

He nodded and watched you walk into the bedroom, waiting a few seconds until you returned with his leather jacket. You threw it at him, and he caught it effortlessly.

"We taking your motorcycle or my car?" you asked Jason, slipping your arm around his.

"It's a nice day out, let's take the motorcycle," he responded with a small smile.

Jason grabbed his helmet and tossed yours to you. You caught it and opened the door.

"Ladies first," you gestured outside.

"Why thank you kind sir," he responded in a very convincing British accent and walked out.

You laughed and walked out of the apartment, locking the door before catching up with Jason at the elevator. He was holding an arm on the door, keeping it open until you entered the elevator, and retracted it. He kept glancing over to you every few seconds until the familiar ding from the elevator. You followed him through the entrance and waved to your neighbor entering the building. Jason quickly straddled his bike and put his helmet on, revving the engine. You rolled your eyes at his theatrics and joined him on the motorcycle, placing your helmet on and wrapping your arms around his waist. Once you laid your head on his back, he let go of the break and zoomed off to the movie theater, oblivious to what you, Kori and Roy were planning.


"How'd you like the movie?" you asked Jason as you were exiting the theater. "I think the critics were a little harsh on it."

"I agree with you on that," Jason responded. "So where to next?"
"Ice cream?"

"Ice cream."

You grasped his hand and wiggled your eyebrows, "I have some at home."

He laughed, "Are you trying to bribe me with ice cream?"

You nodded, "If that's how you're going to phrase it."

"Fine, but I'm getting all of the cookie dough," he stated.

You groaned, but reluctantly agreed to his request. While Jason was starting up the bike, you sent a text to Roy saying you were on your way back to the apartment with Jason. Once you texted him, you shoved your phone in your jacket pocket and joined Jason on the motorcycle.

"Something wrong, (Y/N)?"

"Nope, it's nothing," you said and slipped your helmet on. "I was checking if the book I ordered came in."

"Which book?" he asked.

"A Thousand Splendid Suns," you replied and flipped the visor down.

You weren't lying, you did actually order that book a few days ago, but it wasn't showing up for another two days. Jason always complained that he had nothing to read, so you got that book to add to his collection after you read it, but you had already gotten him a book that happened to be back at the apartment. As you traveled back, Jason's thoughts were exploding with doubts and negativity. He knew he trusted you in the past, but how could he now that you've been acting so secretive for the past week? He couldn't even confide in Roy and Kori when he needed them most. What had happened to make them so distant from him? Before he knew it, he was back at the apartment door with you, who was unlocking the door.

"Why is it so dark in here?" Jason asked while stepping into the room.

Jason jumped slightly and blinked a few times, trying to adjust to the bright light. Once his eyes adjusted to the new lighting, he was shocked to see a 'Happy Birthday!' banner hung in between two walls. Roy walked over to Jason and put a party hat on him, snapping the rubber band on his chin in the process.

"Happy Birthday, Babe!" you said with a smile.

Jason gave you a confused expression, "It's my birthday?"

"Give it to Jaybird to forget about the day he was kicked out of his mom," Roy joked and clapped Jason's shoulder. "(Y/N) planned all of this for ya buddy, she's a keeper."

"I thought-"

"Yeah... (Y/N) told us about how you were getting onto her strange behavior, so Kori and I had to take over the planning," Roy explained and pointed his thumb over to you and Kori. "Let me tell you something man, don't ever doubt for a second that she doesn't love you. She wrestled an old lady for your present, dude, and that's dedication right there."

"She really wrestled someone?"

"Yeah, she even had a cane. I have it recorded if you want to see it."

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