The Outlaws X Reader- Red Hood's Little Monster (Part 1)

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Sharpening your swords and knives was calming, a way to brush away the sins you committed but also prepare them for more. That's what you believed what happened when you cleaned every weapon, cleansing them while also making them more deadly than the previous use. Unlike cleaning guns and other weaponry, swords are more personal, and when they're more personal, there's more sin. You were by no means religious, but the concept of judging yourself by the wrongdoings you have committed always fascinated you. One of the 'sinful' acts as they put it was the taking of another life, no matter whose life it was. Killing a person who has sinned many more times than another is the same, but many people like yourself disagree. By killing the extremely sinful, you prevent them from committing another sin. You were only alive for a little over a decade, but you can see and experience so much when you are at the wrong place at the wrong time repeatedly.

Examining your blade after you placed your tools beside you, you looked at the reflection and saw that a man was behind you. Sighing, you put your sword down and turned around, folding your arms while scanning the man. He was over six feet tall and had a very muscular build, the red bat symbol and helmet told you who he was. He was alone, from what you could tell at the moment, and had many weapons both visible and hidden away. You could tell that he was also sizing you up and knew that he could overpower you, but you had tricks up your sleeve.

"What do you want?" you asked, craning your neck up to make eye contact with the man.

"Obviously to find you," Red Hood responded, taking one step forward, "and I have already done that, so the next thing is to have a conversation with you."

"Congratulations," you deadpanned, "we're having a conversation, now what do you really want?"

"Answers," he responded, taking another step.

"I highly doubt I have them," you stated, ready to bolt. "As you can see I haven't been active for a few months."

"This isn't about what you have done," he said, not moving. "It's about you in general."

"That's very reassuring," you sassed, backing away.

You froze when someone grabbed your shoulders behind you, cursing yourself for being so distracted. Glaring at Red Hood, you decided to play along, knowing that taking on two experienced adults would be stupid. A man entered the doorway, a couple of inches shorter than Red Hood.

"I finished dismantling all of the security protocols, the kid's pretty good," the man said, stopping next to Red Hood. "Now, let's get this over with."

"What the hell is going on?" you asked, fighting against the grip of the person behind you. "If you're going to kill me at humor me with what's going on."

"We're not going to harm you if you come with us without complications," the person behind you, a woman, stated.

Clenching your jaw, you elbowed the woman behind you and ran towards the window as soon as her grip loosened. Avoiding most of the bullets and arrows that flew past you, your shoulder jolted when a bullet, a rubber one, hit it. Gritting your teeth, you jumped through the window, shielding your face as you escaped the room. You hit something immediately after making it out of the building, face planting with a net. Groaning, you pulled out an arrow that was embedded in your left arm, looking at it before you realized what it was. The net had immediately closed around you, preventing you from moving most of your limbs. Groaning, you tossed the arrow out, knowing it would be useless against this metalloid net. You guessed it would take another minute before the drugs knocked you out.

"I warned you," the woman said, climbing out of the window and flying up to unhook the net.

Rolling your eyes, you lean your head against the net, watching as you were carried away from the building. The men were not behind for long, using some type of cable to follow the woman. Looking up, you were able to see the outline of an airship before the drugs finally kicked in. Curling into yourself, you closed your eyes and tried to prepare yourself for what's to come before you fell asleep.


"The kid's adorable when there's not a sword in their hand or that scary glare."

"Shut up, Roy. Nearly everyone is adorable when they're sleeping."

"Are you saying Bruce is adorable when he's sleeping?"

"I said nearly everyone is adorable, so shut up and hurry up with that DNA test."

Frowning, you rolled over and pulled the blanket over you closer. Yawning, you burrowed your face deeper into the pillow below you. Noticing that the pillow was too hard to be your own, you immediately sat up and opened your eyes. Hissing at the bright light, you rubbed your eyes and let your eyes adjust to the lights.

"I see you're awake."

You turned around to see the woman sitting a foot away from you, smiling. Her reddish-orange hair and green eyes hinted at her Tamaranean heritage, but you wondered why she was with two human heroes. Looking around, you noticed you were in some type of enclosed sleeping area. Lifting your hand, it met with a smooth surface. Plopping it down, you returned your attention to the Tamaranean woman.

"Why did you bring me here?" you asked, tossing the blanket away from you.

"We needed you for something," the Tamaranean answered, looking over to the two men by the huge computer screen, "and if you're not who we think you are, we'll let you go."

"And if I am?" you asked, trying to see what was on the screen.

"That is not up to me," she responded, standing up. "I'm going to get some fresh clothing and food for you, so don't do anything stupid."

You huffed and watched as she left, then returned your attention to the screen. Pressing your head against the glass-like material surrounding you. The two men were blocking the bottom middle section of the screen, but you can tell that they were running some type of blood test. Why were they doing a blood test? Moving away, you looked around and noticed that the blanket was caught in between the sheet of glass-like material. You knew that if you did this right, you could pull up the dome around you. Glancing back at the men, who were too busy looking at the screen and talking to notice, you dug your fingers underneath the blanket. When you felt that you had a grip, you adjusted your stance and pushed up with your legs. Using whatever strength you had, you pulled at it until the dome swung open. Losing your balance, you fell back off the bed, landing on the ground with a loud thud.

"This is a bunch of monkey shit!" you shouted, pushing yourself up.

"The kid's also got a mouth."

Looking up, you noticed that Red Hood and the other man, who you now recognized as Arsenal, were standing right in front of you.

"This kid's also gonna kick your ass if you don't tell me what the hell is going on!" you yelled, finally standing up.

"I can definitely see where you got your attitude from," Arsenal said, making you instantly confused.

"What?" you asked, looking over to Red Hood. "What the hell is he talking about?"

"You might just want to see it yourself," he answered, gesturing to the screen.

Rolling your eyes, you walked over to the screen and read all of the information. You reread the section, double checking if you were reading it right.

"I'm your daughter?" you asked, turning around. "This is what this is all about? I could have told you that Jason Todd was my father."

"You know?" Red Hood asked, looking at Arsenal.

"Of course I do," you said, pulling a knife out from the bottom of your boot. "Now let me go now!"

"Listen, if you think a little knife can-"

Arsenal was cut off by the knife meeting the ground by his foot, shocking both him and Red Hood. You ran past the two of them and disappeared from their sight. 

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