Damian Wayne/Robin X Reader-Classic Rock and Machine Guns

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It was a fairly cool night in Gotham as you were heading to your home, where your dad was waiting for you. For some odd reason he decided that Gotham would be the perfect vacation away from his work. You really didn't care where you went for the vacation, but Gotham was a pretty terrible choice. The creepy alleyways and corrupted politicians were a big 'Hell No!' for you, but your dad's inner fan-girl got the best of him. He was the reason why you were out in the streets with bags of Mexican food that would last for a day or two, probably a day with that stomach he has. You smiled lightly at the thought of scarfing down all of the delicious food, but you knew he would kick your ass for eating without him.

"Let go of me you imbeciles!!"

You stopped walking and backtracked until you were at the opening of an alleyway. A boy with raven hair, about your age, was in the grasp of a couple mean looking shit heads. You sighed and placed the food on the ground, cracking your knuckles before butting into their business.

"Hey Shit Biscuits!! Why don't you leave the little guy alone and pick someone your own dick size?!"

All of the criminals looked at you, and parted, allowing Harley Quinn to walk towards you, "Now a little thing like you shouldn't be using that type of language."

You scowled at the very poorly dressed woman, "I'll use whatever fucking language I want to. You don't see me commenting about your clothing."

She laughed and looked back over to her henchmen, "Get her."

Two of the men broke off from the group and approached you as the remaining men of the group placed a rag over the boy's mouth. You ran up to one of the men and punched him directly into his nose, receiving a loud CRACK from his nose. Once he was down, you kicked the last one, probably crushing his chances to reproduce. You looked over to Harley, but felt something pierce your side. You looked down to see a dart with a smiley face painting protruding from your side.

You pulled it out and scanned over it, reading over the words slowly, "Tranquilizing.... Dart. You know, it actually takes more than one to-"

You were cut off when three more darts sunk into your skin, making you collapse onto the disgusting alleyway ground.

"That'll work."


You regained consciousness when someone was repeatedly poking your cheek. Whoever it was instantly received a slap for interrupting your beauty sleep, "Lemme sleep for a couple more minutes."

"I highly doubt you would wish to continue to sleep in a situation like this," a young male voice said, making you instantly shoot up and look around.

You were inside a very disgusting cell that had a very sterilized smell to it, hinting that your location is an abandoned hospital, asylum or someone's old basement that they like to keep clean. The boy next to you sighed and stood up, leaving you to your thoughts.

"You were a fool to attempt to rescue me," the boy stated and tried to fix his school uniform that was torn and covered in dirt.

"Sorry for not being a selfish asshole," you quipped and stood up, pulling your shirt up to find your wounds healed.

You let go of your shirt and let it flop back down, leaving you to find a way to escape the hell hole that psycho bitch put you in. There was only one tiny problem: you were surrounded by dozens of clown-faced creeps. When one of them glanced at you with a very perverted look, you huffed and sat down at the farthest corner in the cell. While you were wallowing in self pity, a light bulb flashed above your head. You frowned and grabbed a brick from the ground and smashed the light before continuing. When you got an idea, you smirked and made yourself comfortable.

"Is this the real life? Is this just fantasy? Caught in a landslide, no escape from reality. Open your eyes, look up to the skies and see I'm just a poor boy, I need no sympathy because I'm easy come, easy go, little high, little low. Any way the wind blows doesn't really matter to me, to me."

A couple of groans echoed throughout the room, making you smile. A couple of the goons started arguing and you knew your plan was going to work.

"You're as cold as ice! You're willing to sacrifice our love! You never take advice! Someday you'll pay the price, I know! I've seen it before, it happens all the time. Closing the door. You leave the world behind! You're digging for gold, yet throwing away a fortune in feelings, but someday you'll pay!!"

As you continued to sing a number of random classic rock songs, more and more of the idiotic goons joined in to defend their favorite bands. The boy you rescued watched you and the men the entire time, not completely sure if you meant to cause this or not. Soon enough, you stopped singing and laughed at one of the crooks.

"What's so funny, girl?" one of the growled, clutching the bars of the cell.

"It's funny watching you try to fit your entire vocabulary into one sentence," you chuckled and started to sing. "Beauty school drop out, go back to high school!"

"THAT'S IT, YER DEAD!!" he shouted and grabbed the keys from his belt.

You watched with an amused expression as the man opened the cell door and stomped over to you. Once he was hovering over you, you gave him a smirk before jumping on him, twisting his neck in the process. You reached for his machine gun and started to fire at the men, who now were running out of the room through the exit.

"What are you doing you imbecile?!" the boy ran over to you and gestured to the body and gun.

You shrugged, "Escaping. It's not like I haven't done this before."

The boy rolled his eyes and grabbed the gun from you, "If we're going to escape, you have to spare the lives of these men."

"Fine," you said and snatched the gun back from him. "I'll aim for their legs."

Damian sighed, "Fine, but I did never catch your name."

"It's (Y/N) Wilson, now let's get our asses out of here."

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