Batboys X Reader- Welcome To The Family

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"He got another one?"

Dick and Jason stared at your dirty and small figure sitting at the dining room table, eating your food as if it were your last meal. Bruce had informed everyone that he had taken you off from the streets when he found you at a crime scene. You were hidden behind a couple boxes when a criminal decided to mug someone in the same alley. The sounds of the victim struggling woke you up from your nap, making you leave your current home at the time. There was a woman that was attempting to push a man's knife away from her neck. You quickly grabbed an old pipe you kept with you and stood up, quietly approaching the man until you were directly behind him. You rose the pipe and bashed it on his head, causing him to drop the knife and collapse on the ground. You hit him again for good measure and kicked away the knife. The woman you saved stared at you, trying to process what you had just done.

"He's still alive," you muttered and kicked the man, receiving a groan from him.

"Thank you," she stuttered out and hugged you.

You sighed at the warmth she provided, but had to let go, "Can you call the police? I don't want to be here without help if he wakes up again."

She nodded and pulled out her cell phone out of her battered purse. A few minutes later, a shadow enveloped you and the woman. You turned around, the pipe still in your grip, to find the Batman looking at you and the woman. He walked past you and the woman, grabbed the man, and placed some type of handcuffs on him. Once he was finished with the criminal, he turned around and faced you and the woman.

"Is this one yours?" he asked and gestured to you.

She shook her head, "she just... appeared and knocked out the guy."

He nodded and looked over to you, which caused you to tighten your grip on the pipe. You watched as a slight smile appeared on his face, but it disappeared as he faced the woman again.

"I'll take her somewhere safe," he said as he approached you. "You get home, the police will talk to you in the morning."

The lady nodded before looking at you one last time, "Thank you."

You nodded and watched her as she walked out of the alleyway, but returned your attention to the caped crusader that was standing near you.

"I don't need your pity party," you stated and walked over to the cardboard boxes that you called home. "I've been doing fine on my own."

"I'm not saying that you aren't, I'm saying that no child should have to live in the conditions you are," Batman stated. "I'm offering you food, water, a home and possibly a family. If you don't like it, you can leave."

You were actually surprised with your answer when you agreed to his terms, and now you were glad that you did accept his offer. Now you had a roof over your head and all of the food you could imagine. You saw a boy and a couple of older men walking around the manor during your stay, but you never bothered to start a conversation with them. The man who took you in, Bruce Wayne, had shown you around the enormous house after you finished eating. The room he said that you were staying in was bigger than the alley you used to sleep in, and the bed was the softest thing you've ever touched. Bruce had left you in the bedroom saying something about private matters and to make yourself at home. If it were a normal home, you would have definitely done what he suggested, but all you could do was stare at the room. It felt as if you were out of place.

"Is your bed too soft?"

You jumped when you heard a new voice and turned around to find one of the men you saw walking in the manor. He had a white streak in his raven hair, making you wonder if he dyed it.

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