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Even when we were young, Taeran and I looked out for each other. Last year when Coach Jung named me speech and debate captain, he said I could pick my co-captain. Everyone was sure I'd pick Lee Haeun, because 1.) co-captains have always been a guy and a girl, and 2) Coach strongly suggested I pick Haeun.

So when I said, "This year's co-captain will be . . . Taeran," everyone was shocked, even Taeran.

"I'm not sure this is right," he whispered to me as all the guys in the room applauded.
I gave him a shrug and said, "you can thank me later."

After that, Haeun stopped talking to me. . . Except for at the dance. But believe it or not, that wasn't the first time she had kissed me. It goes unsaid that when the debate team travels we don't snitch on each other. Many hookups and heartbreaks have gone on during speech and debate tournaments. Last year, an extemporaneous speaker from Busan made it very clear to Taeran that she was willing to sleep with him. I told Taeran that whatever he decided, I would keep from Yerin, therefore keeping it from Kisun. In the end, he declined yet he felt so guilty and told Kisun about what happened (or didn't happen), including my comment. She hated me ever since.

When I entered the debate room after lunch, the talking ceased. However, Lee Haeun seemed to have no problem with her vocal chords. "Good morning, Master Debater," she said, waving a flier in my face. I didn't reply

"Love your campaign slogan," she continued menacingly, her voice was dripping with snark. "Namjoon for Dinky Dick of the year. It's very catchy."

I could feel my face starting to get red. "Are you proud of yourself, Haeun? I questioned, "you're the one behind those fliers, admit it." I made a mental note to add her to my list of suspects.

She emitted a high-pitched laugh. "Namjoon, you're nothing but a pig, and I don't waste my time on pigs, unless they're barbecued."

"You're deluding yourself," I retorted, "you tried to kiss me at the dance didn't you?" I raised an eyebrow at her as her face began to flush.

"I was-"

I cut her off. "You were drunk? How drunk could you have been?"

Coach Jung sprinted over to us. "If you two are going to debate, at least do it properly and in front of the whole class." He said.

Haeun and I glared at each other, neither of us willing to back down. Someone in the back shouted, "smackdown!" Another yelled, "let's go Dinky Dick!"

"All right, then." Haeun said making her way up behind the podium. I let her choose the topic.

"Who would like to judge?" Coach Jung asked. Two varsity debaters and a JV girl raised their hands. I tried not to smile. The guys were friends of mine and routinely made fun of Haeun behind her back.

Coach nodded to Haeun. "You've got six minutes. Go." He clicked his stopwatch.

Haeun cleared her throat,ng ripped the sides of the podium, and began. "Resolved: Kim Namjoon is an asshole and therefore should immediately be stripped of his debate captain status-" Groans and cheers immediately erupted in the room after Haeun stated her ridiculous proposition.

"One: Kim Namjoon is known as a powerhouse debater and an elaborate speaker. However," she continued. "it is common knowledge that his partner Yoo Taeran 'Tae', does the majority of the research, writing, and prep, making Namjoon just a talking head. Two: While namjoon is well known on campus, that does not equal to well liked, and therefore this reflects poorly on us as a team. His popularity was mostly because of his relationship with Yerin. Three: Kim Namjoon twists and manipulates the truth to get what he wants. He is unethical, self-entitled, and egocentric."

Haeun rambled on with her slander; I looked around the room. Some of the girls were cheering, a lot of the varsity guys were laughing. Coach Jung looked amused; I was not. A third of the class, who happened to be female, broke out in wild applause when Haeun finished. I glanced at Taeran, who looked as shocked as I was.

Okay, two can play this game, I thought.

"My esteemed, or should I say, 'steamed', opponent is confused," I began slowly before ramping up my defense. "The debate duo of Taeran and I (champions two years in a row), is indeed a team. What evidence," I said forcefully, "do you have that Taeran carried me, and not the other way around?"

Haeun stood straight and stared at the back wall. "Taeran's girlfriend, Kisun told me," she said. I was taken aback but quickly regained my composure. "Can you elaborate?"

"Miss Kisun told me that Taeran said that he was tired of him doing all the work and Namjoon getting all the glory."

I waved my hand dismissively. I looked at Taeran, but his head was down, occupied by his phone in his hand. "Your third accusation, Miss Lee Haeun, that states I am unethical, a manipulator of the truth- where is the proof for this?"

"Yes," she simply answered, "I would be happy to. Mr. Kim Namjoon created a bogus social service organization called Society of Animal Protection aka SAP. He then included it in his Seoul National A University application-"

"Haeun," I shouted. "Again, you have no proof, no evidence, that what you are saying is true therefore yours is merely a slanderous case of rumored misconduct because clearly you are holding some sort of grudge against me. Your accusations are pathetic, really..."

I couldn't let her know that I was rattled. Did Taeran really say that to Kisun? And what did Haeun know about SAP and my SNU application? I cracked my knuckles, another one of my nervous habits. I was always able to poke holes in my opponent's arguments. That was where I shined. Normally, my energy was high at this point in a debate. However, when I looked over at Haeun, she winked and made a finger heart gesture. And for the first time I doubted myself.

"Whoa, Tae, wait!"

I was trying to catch him as he hurried out the debate room.

"Can't talk to you remember?" He was avoiding me.

"Right," I replied, "because of Kisun. But hey, did you really say that stuff to her?"

"I don't remember," he shrugged, keeping his head down. "Look I gotta go." And I watched him disappear into the crowd.

author's note:
hey guys it's been so long since i've written in this book.
i kinda want to rewrite a lot of stuff, change up the characters.
i might do so if y'all don't mind....
i've been thinking to change taeran's character to hoseok... idk thoughts?

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