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They say, women are vulnerable  
But trust me, man are able to
As woman cry at nights
As man drink liquors.

But why do we have to cry and drink
If we can do better things
Like forgiving and forgetting
The bad things we experienced and think.

But as we all can say
Words are easy to speak
And hard to do
But never  give up I adviced you.

We can do whatever we want to do
We can speak whatever we want to say
And we can to think whatever comes in our minds
But trust me, you've got the wrong choice.

For every thing you do
There is a result you won't miss to
For everything you say
There is a feels you want to erased.

And for all the things you think
As you misjudged when they blink
As you comment  on their life
There is a sin you should pay for.

It's their choice
Not yours
It's their life
Not yours.

So don't ever complain for what they do
For what their choice and their life
And for what results will come to their life
Because again, it's theirs not yours.

A letterTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon